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Pockets in her hands, feet bare, a light sweater and her head tilted almost all the way backwards, Amur ambled along the grass beside the lake. An infectious smile held her lips as she watched the clouds skid across the cool autumn sky, imagining that they were dragons chasing one another.
It was nice to get outside, to explore the grounds and be away from the cold and often musty halls of Hogwarts. Books, children and stinky socks sure made the place smell something awful at times. And every now and then when she walked by the kitchen there was something...something that just didn't smell right. Strange, given the food always tasted absolutely delicious.
"So I've concluded, from the eagerness which my classmates want to throw themselves off a seven story ledge, that Gryffindors are nuts."
Tilting her head, she glanced over at her cousin, wondering if the Ravenclaw would have any wisdom to add. After all, her blue marked robes meant that, right? It wasn't surprising, out of the both of them, Corrigan had always been better at devising plans and logical solutions.
But she wondered if all Ravenclaws were like that. She was a Gryffindor, and while the thought of bungee-jumping was thrilling, she hadn't been so completely nuts as to rush forward with her head buckled down. No, it seemed that some of her cousin's Ravenclawness had rubbed off her.
Corrigan was only marginally paying attention to her cousin: part of her was still grousing about how her old and boring pyjamas simply hadn't cut it for the Ravenclaw slumber party. It wasn't that anyone had commented on them, just that she knew that they were unacceptable. She'd already written a letter to her parents and sent it off via owl asking them to send new, pretty pyjamas at their earliest convenience.
Hopefully they took her plight seriously.
"Hmm?" She glanced over at Amur, then smiled, "We do that all the time. Well, maybe not seven stories... my belly hurts."
Too many s'mores. Far,
far too many s'mores. But if she had it all to do all over again, she'd eat no less. Apparently, some of her cousin's Gryffindorness had rubbed off on