Norah ^_^ not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Hayden needed to actually unpack. She'd been putting it off but she couldn't continue to do that anymore. So she sat on her bed and studied her open trunk. She still wasn't unpacking but at least she was making an effort. Kind of. Okay, not really. She forced herself to get up and actually put her things where they were supposed to go.
The first thing Hayden took out was the map of the school she'd made last year. There were ten pieces of paper: one for each floor of course. It wasn't the best map obviously, just a rough outline of the rooms so she wouldn't get as lost. She wasn't a very good artist, but the map certainly had a lot of different colors on it. Hayden paused for a moment to study it. She smiled as she remembered Lex helping her work on it last year. And how she'd explored so many different parts of the castle in order to make it as accurately as possible. It wasn't wonderful, but it was pretty cool if she did say so herself. Hayden went back over to her trunk and took out her camera. It had been careful packed away in a nice carrying case. Now it was time for Hayden to take it out and she set it carefully on top of her dresser for future use. The clothes would be the last thing she put away because boring. She had more interesting things to unpack, like a picture of her and Mya from over the summer.
Next was the cat. No that wasn't right. Hayden stopped. She put her hands on her hips and stood at the end of her bed as she contemplated what was in front of her. It was like a game of what doesn't belong. The bed, the blanket, the pillows, the cat. The cat that wasn't hers yet still decided it was supposed to be curled up on her bed. She'd just been in that same spot, so where did the cat come from? "What are you doing?" She addressed the cat very formally. Please move sir or madam because that is not your bed. Hers. "Move." But it didn't. It just laid there, like it was deliberately disobeying her. Maybe it was. WHOSE CAT EVEN WAS IT?