*sappysapper* MAJNOO, YO! 04. Blasting Curse Cole KnightJumping over a barrel and hiding behind it, Cole remembered all the spells he had ever learned. Something had to work, right? Forcing himself to breathe, Cole turned to see where was his opponent exactly.
It was just a common welsh green but it was still a dragon and Cole was just a human with a stick. That's when he heard Rosa's voice over him: "It's alright, Cole. Just remember what I taught you" Cole looked up, hoping to see his mentor's face but all he saw were the fake clouds used to hide that fact that it was an arena he was running around in. Truth be told he wouldn't die, they wouldn't let that happen but his heart was still beating too fast.
Realizing it was just too quiet, Cole moved to steal a glance - only to be attacked by a ball of fire. Shielding himself poorly with his arm, Cole found himself shouting the blasting curse and then it was over.The dragon wailed and Cole passed out. When he came about Rosa was frowning at him and telling him how he had cursed the poor thing right in the eye.
Sadly, Cole had failed the test.
__________________  ......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥ |