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Old 01-08-2015, 05:10 AM   #70 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alfie Adair
Fourth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Laini Gracae-Ryans
Third Year
x10 x1
Default Puck, Damien, sort of Abbi, AJ, and heheheee NEWPROFFESSORS
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo

Originally Posted by Optimist View Post

Puck was standing close to AJ when Kevin walked over. “Hey Kevin right…?” She grinned “welcome back!” She grinned and handed a small box over to him a box filled with nothing conspicuous of course…just an undetectably extended box full of decoy detonators. “I think these might be useful during the term, I couldn’t…use them really” she shrugged and then shrugged and glanced to Zander.

“No, no you didn’t screw up” Puck honestly spoke. Yes, Silas was upset and had a point but Zander had been trying to defend himself. Oh…he had meant relaxing together and bonding. That sounded like a good idea actually.

“Yes. That sounds like a good idea” she nodded and chuckled still simply holding onto her marshmallow covered thing. “We should stash some cupcakes and marshmallows somewhere and have like a s’mores party” she shrugged and grinned over to him. “Fireplace and talking about fun things or we could even conjure a projector and watch a movie or something…or just play wizard chess or something in the game section” she grinned over to Zander.

Zander seemed to get very embarrassed when people brought up the summer. Right…she needed to figure this out right? But first, maybe she should tell him to just breathe and try not to turn into a tomato? Maybe. She was going to do it. Lowering her voice she whispered “Zander…you know that you kind of go red when people bring up the summer…like Tomato red if you want I can…” casually she glanced to Zander again then looked toward Chance.

“Hey Chance.” She grinned completely unaware that someone had popped into the room and stolen not only her marshmallows but Zander’s chocolates. That is until Zander spoke up. There wasn’t a stick in her hand. HER CINNAMON-MARSHMALLOW! She frowned and glaaaared at Toddles. “not cool house elf not cool” she groaned and rolled her eyes.

Zander had caught Toddles! HA!

“YES! You Got…he ate it!” Puck frowned at the House elf and sighed. “Toddles that isn’t nice of you. You could have ASKED” she frowned some more before glancing at Amur and then to Zander. “Toddles you can’t steal peoples food and eat it,” Puck sighed and walked closer to the unfolding scene. Puck reached into her pocket and carefully dropped a chocolate frog box, the one little Claire had put there into Zander’s pocket. But then the words the questions about he trading cards and Toddles not seeing it made her laugh he had eaten the card hadn’t he….”we’ll have to wait until he poops.” She casually mentioned laughing. “I’ll…repair it for you” she laughed again. She carefully put a hand on Zander’s shoulder and mentioned a quick. “Thank you for ugh…trying to teach Toddles not to steal other people’s food.” She smiled, was immediately awkward…not awkward at all really. As she leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before turning slightly more red than usual but SHE was a girl she could always lie and say she was wearing make-up which she was.

Oh yes, Puck. He’d seen you hand those pranks over to Kevin. Actually, wasn’t a bad idea! Maybe this would help convince Kevin that not all authority had to be bad authority, you know? Quite a good thing actually. Although, it did mean he’d have to watch out in case of any loose dung bombs or whatever it even was that Puck handed over to him.

But anyways. Relaxing. That sounded like a very, very good idea. And even Puck agreed, thank Merlin. He didn’t want to find out he was the lazy Prefect out of the pair! “Mhm a s’mores party sounds fantastic! Especially ‘cause I’m not all too hungry to eat a bunch just yet,” But by the time their Prefect afterparty began, he’d definitely be craving some nice snacks. “Yeah a movie’s a good idea, or... we could even just sit around and talk?” ‘Cause if they were gonna be coprefecting… Might as well get to know each other a bit, before anything major happened. Or worse, before they got flooded with all the work for OWLs.

:what: WAS HE REALLY GOING RED?!? Oh Merlin. Of course he knew exactly why he went red when people mentioned the summer, but to have someone tell him that he was going red… All too embarrassing. Which didn’t even help because he was going even REDDER now! Thanks, Puck. “I-uh-I… I just can’t help it… I’m really trying not to…” But wait? “You can… What?” he questioned as she stopped mid sentence and NOW HE WAS CURIOUS.

Noticing that Puck had joined in on the House Elf scene, he gave her a look that meant ‘he got your food too’? Hmph. RUUDE. But oh? What was that…? Had Puck just slipped a chocolate frog in his pockets? “Thanks,” Man. talk about embarrassing moments. WAIT, PREFECT PUCK SAY WHAAAAT? Poooop it out?!! UH. O_______O “Yeah, if that’s the case… I don’t think I want it anymore.”

And then. She kissed him. Granted it was on the cheek. BUT STILL???? Uh. Pink his face was SO beyond pink. “I-uh-I” Yup. Stammering. So Prefect. Much responsibility. Very Awkward.

Originally Posted by Toddles View Post
Master asks somethings of Toddles. Toddles sees cards by tables. "Toddles didn't takes cards masters..." he stares at his little feetsies. "Toddles sees cards on tables.." he pointed his little elf finger where the card is. "Toddles not takes cards sirs. Toddles nots takes cards."

...... So Toddles... Didn't take the card? "Okay, I believe you Toddles," he sighed, not even bothering to look for the card on the table. If it wasn't there-- Actually, no. He wasn't even going to think about that. Too much frustration could not be good for anyone. He didn't need to get Botros wrinkles so soon, you know? "Just make sure you don't steal again, it's quite rude." And very mean. Especially when it came to chocolate frogs, might he add.

SPOILER!!: Daaaamien *SNORTS*
Originally Posted by nicole black View Post
"Thank you, Mr. Blonde," Damien said, grinning and raising a glass in greeting to Zander. He looked a little stressed and Damien felt a bit bad, it couldn't be easy helping out with all this stuff, especially considering how rambunctious everything seemed at the moment. "You alright? Have some punch, or butterbeer, you look kind of...out of it." Damien said, finishing off his own butterbeer.

Ah....That was the question wasn't it? The Hat had seemed confused for a while and Damien wasn't sure all too much himself... "Honestly? I have no idea. did you?" He asked. It was a personal question, but then, Zander had asked first so he didn't feel bad about it.

Damien saw the wave, hard to miss really, sen with everything going on. "Hey Puckenstein, fancy seeing you here of all places." He joked, winking playfully at her.He'd been about to ask her if she wanted to take a plunge with him, but then she'd started talking to Zander and... Ohhhhhohohooo. Damien had not expected Zander and Puck - Pander, Zuck, Pudar, eh - were a thing? Huh, actually maybe he could see it.
Zander just opted with a small nod, as he didn't have a glass in hand. Though, the question did throw him off guard a little, he just nodded and put on a small smile despite how completely exhausted he was feeling after the long day. "Yeah... I'm--," Actually no. It had been one of the longest days of his life and he had to talk to so many people and everyone swarmed at the feast and no he's wasn't actually completely alright. "I'm going to be alright, once this day is done, I reckon. It's been exhausting." Even that was a bit of an understatement. "But uh, Butterbeer does sound nice," he smiled knowingly. Butterbeer was always nice. Or maybe he needed some chocolate, seeing how the elf STOLE his.

And oh. Well that question backfired real quick. "Me?" Did he feel he was in the right place? "Well... At first I remember doubting it. A lot, actually... And it didn't help that everyone else doubted me to," again. Warflashbacks to third year when Zahra... Yeah. That happened. "But, I reckon even if you don't feel like this is the one right away, you will eventually, you know?" He certainly felt it now. Mostly. "They say that the hat's never wrong. Even Lux, who says she should be here, with us, knows that she's a badger deep in her heart." Merlin, all that stuff about honorary lion. Did that even exist? "But if you don't feel it.... I guess that's okay too." And why was he still talking? Ooops.

Originally Posted by Talikins View Post
And PREFECTS. Hehehehe, the tough responsibilities they were going to have, yeah Abbi didn't want one of those tasks at all-except just maybe the power but she didn't need a BADGE to be swagster! No ways! Either way they got beams too and waves, all of them that was.

Turning around to head over to the snack table, Zander noticed another familiar face arriving to the party. Welp, better late than never, right? Smiling at Abbi he gave her a small wave. Hopefully she'd enjoy the party. There was really something for everyone, unless you were that grump of a kid who left early. He was a rotten one anyways, so it was whatever. Not like Zander was still feeling upset about that. Pfffft. Okay a little. Or a lot. But he wasn't going to think about that now, okay?

SPOILER!!: AJ lol "when would Zander fist bump with emotion and pride" *WHEEZES*
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar View Post
When would Zander fist bump with emotion and pride? AJ hoped that him being newly badged would make him be more sure of himself, but the hesitation was noticed. No biggie though. Not everybody could be as bold as she was, and that was okay. "You're welcome. You are going to rock it." If you had to be stuck with the miserable task of being good then you might as well make the best of it. Adi seemed to do okay with it, and as much as it sucked that AJ had to be better than normal sometimes when she was around him and others, it really wasn't that bad. It wasn't as if she went around looking for trouble or anything.

Erm... AJ bit her bottom lip. It was super hard for her not to blurt out everything right there on the spot, but she knew that she maaaybe freaked Zander out a bit at the pet shop and didn't want to go messing things up. This was important. "Just some suggestions." That was one way to put it. "Nothing to worry about now." With all the ears around.

He looked as uncertain as Benny did when the bungee was mentioned. AJ on the other hand had to talk herself down from knocking people over to get a crack at it first. "I bet it will be amazing. You should try it." If he felt more comfortable waiting until the others had gone, then so be it. That was one less person that she would have to wait for before it was her turn.

The Gryffindor gave the younger girl a warm smile, really he was still having doubts about this whole Prefect thing, but it did kinda help to know that people believed in him. Especially AJ, as Zander really did admire how bold she was. Mhm. Even said it to Flamsteed last term. They weren't blanket finding ninjas for nothing! Whatwhatwhat!! Ahem. Anyways. "Thanks, AJ... Hopefully I won't screw things up," and hopefully he'd be able to live up to standards that all the other amazing Prefects set. Especially Lex 'cause she was awesome.

Zander couldn't help but lift a brow when she mentioned making a couple of... suggestions? What. "Um... Okay, well... You can just find me any time you want to talk then..." Though coming from AJ the term suggestion didn't really sound like she'd be suggesting anything at all. More like pushing her ideas through and being all passionate about them and making Zander feel super guilty if he didn't take them into consideration. Did that even make sense? Because that's definitely how he'd feel. Definitely. But his housemates had to feel comfortable coming to talk to him now, so he really couldn't turn it down. As shifty as 'suggestions' sounded. "I'll probably spend a lot of time in the study area, this year anyways... So you can always check for me around there?" OWLs, they were going to be the death of him.

"It does look like a lot of fun," even he had to admit. You know, maybe he'd just go on it when everyone else left. Things were just a bit too chaotic right now. "Are you going on?"

SPOILER!!: LIAR LIAR and TAKER-ADVANTAGE-ER ahem. I mean.. Professors
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post

What's this? A badged one making his way over. How...responsible. Maddox's eyes fixed on the boy at his approach, noting what might have been anxiety in the way he walked but of what the boy was anxious, he couldn't say he knew. Didn't really matter either, the man could use a distraction from the concept of jumping from this dangerous height. Honestly, whose great idea was it to make such a thing as heights ANYWAY??

At the greeting Maddox studied the boy for another moment before giving a regrettable shake of his head. " 'Fraid you've wasted your greeting, son. I'm the new Caretaker. Mer, here, is the new Professor. Your Head of House brought me here to check that the ropes are workin' fine but I see he's already got you lot jumping so there's nothing I can really do now except maybe enjoy the food then turn in early." He glanced around the room just for the heck of it then looked to the boy again.

"You're one of them fancy Prefects, right? You'll let me know if anything needs repairing?"
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Whaaaaat a little suck-up, Zander Adair was. Meredith approved, of course. Meant the badged blonde would probably do whatever she asked to get on her good side. "Pleasure to meet you, Zander. Professor Meredith Moxley, Muggle Studies." She reached out and gave the boy a rather aggressive pat on the shoulder and beamed at him, trying not to SNORT when Maddox went on to tell the kid her was the groundskeeper, of all things.

"I think the best way our new groundskeeper here could test the ropes is to get out there himself, am I right?" She gave expectant looks to the kid for back up and then grinned at her buddy. Serves him right for lion (GEDDIT? Lion...lyin...LULZ) to impressionable young Hogwartians.

Annnnd about time to test just how desperate little blondie was to please the professors. The brunette made a sound resembling that of a kicked puppy and held a hand to her throat, making her voice extra croaky as she announced, "My throat is suddenly so scatchy. I could sure use a beverage."

.... What? Not a Professor???? Well now Zander was BEYOND mortified. He was supposed to know what he was doing!! For Merlin's sake he had on a badge! GAH. "Oh, uh... Sorry, Sir..." Caretaker. Since when did Hogwarts have one of those? "The food is pretty good, I recommend the s'mores, but erm... Why would you need to check the ropes? Professor Flamsteed would never put anyone in danger..... Right?" RIGHT??? Merlin forbid something ELSE went wrong on the first day. Anyways, at least the second half of what the Caretaker said was kind of relevant though? About the other too-old-to-be-a-firstie and too-new-to-be-anything-but-a-new-Professor woman.

And with that, he turned to face the woman in mention. "The pleasure is all mine, Professor... Professor Moxley," Heh. SEE, he was doing this thing right. Man, he could probably even give the likes of Sophie Brown a run for her money! Zander may not have the rest of the returning staff on his side for his OWL examinations, but at least he could (hopefully) count on this one's vote. Maybe wisdom did come with age. The wisdom to wooo Professors!!! This was AWESOME!

Catching all her implied looks, Zander gave her a small shrug before turning to the Caretaker. "Yeah, I reckon that's right... You'll... Erm, get a better look if you're using it first hand?" Actually, that hardly made any sense at all. And Zander was confused. And why the looks? But um, if this Moxely Muggle Studies woman wanted him to say it, then he would. Good side, remember? He was going for it. Going for the GOLD, or in this case THE O's!!

Again, eyes on Mr. Caretaker. "Well... I'm really not that fancy," he still ate food with his hands, okay "But I am a Prefect," he nodded to confirm too. "I'll certainly keep my eye on any.... uhm.. Dangerous rope situations?" Like what was the guy expecting to happen exactly? And ooooh what was that horrible noi-- Ahhheeeeeem. Not that any noises Professor Moxley made were horrible. Pft. Who said that? Not Zander. Nope.

"Oh uh, it does sound a bit horse!" Beverage. okay, he could do that! "Right away, Professor!" See, she was taking a liking to him already. He could tell. And with that the Gryffindor ran off to the drink station and poured her a glass of water... No wait, what if she wanted butterbeer? Okay a glass of water AND butterbeer-- Wait. What if she wanted Pumpkin juice? Okay, yes he'd just bring all three. And within three minutes, he was back with THREE whole glasses filled up all the way with different drinks. BEEEAAAM. The walk over was kinda scary given all the people he had to walk around though. It was a miracle that nothing spilled, really. "I wasn't sure which you wanted... So I brought butterbeer, pumpkin juice, and water. So you could choose." Should he just take the O now ooooooooooor?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

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