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"Hello, Miss Valentine," he smiled at the young lioness. "Quite pleasant, thank you for asking." He was also rather pleased with himself that finally, FINALLY, he could tell the two girls apart...and most definitely tell them apart from their teenage angsty Ravenclaw sister as well.
Angel smiled at Professor Flamsteed. "That is good. Angel was glad. "So did you do anything good?" Angel asked, she might as well see if he went back to the space centre of something. "I went out and about with a few close friend and my sisters." Angel looked over at Benny, he was just so handsome and she had missed him when he wasn't there.
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Well, well, well. Look who decided to join the party. AJ was late all the time, but Angel managed to arrive even after her. She knew the reason for AJ's lateness and Angel's were two totally different things. "Hey, Angel. I was just looking for you." Kinda sorta.
"You didn't miss much yet." That question may not have been directed towards her, but she answered it anyways. "Are you going to try out the bungee with me?" AJ didn't need anybody to hold her hand, but she hoped her sister would give it a go.
Hiding? "I haven't been hiding." Maybe Angel needed her eyes checked. With all the hustle and bustle it was easy to miss people. Somebody else had arrived. ”Hey Chance.” Now that was a cool cat there. AJ remembered flying around on a bean bag chair with him last term. Good times. Good times.
Angel smiled. "Well I got distracted with a few things, did you know Abby wants to spend more time with her boyfriend that she does with her sisters." Angel had been trying to talk to her but it seemed Abby had her own ideas. "I wonder what is going on with her." Angel wasn't sure what she thought."
"Oh, I don't think so." Angel just wasn't into this bungee jumping thingy, she liked her feet on the ground, she had tried a bit of broom riding but that was as far as she was going to take it, bungee jumping was for people like her sister who loved adventure."
"Oh maybe I missed you then." Angel gave her sister a quick hug. "I was looking for you, I wanted to see what you thought about Abby's behaviour lately?" Angel knew they could talk later on.
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["An odd summer it was Miss..." Didn't know her name. Shame that. "Spent it chasing werewolves through the Highlands. Nearly lost my head a few times." He lied with a grin. "I trust yours was equally eventful?"
In truth it had been an odd summer, for many reasons but...werewolves would never be one of them. Canines were a no on his list, a BIG no. Filthy creatures.
"I'm Miss Valentine, Angel Valentine at your service." Angel then listened to what the Professor had to say. "Oh when I'm older, I'm going to go exploring places and trying to find plants and stuff, I want to see if I can find a plant that can talk." Angel decided that she liked this Professor. "Wouldn't it be cool, almost as cool as chasing werewolves." Angel wondered what would happen if she got caught by one. "Oh my summer was amazing, I played chess with a Yeti and then I played darts with a dragon, I lost both matches but it was cool playing against them." Angel decided that she would lie about her summer but she didn't let the Professor know that she was grinning like crazy, that would have been a crazy summer right.
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"See? I told you it was a tradi---" Flailsteed. ... Of COURSE the man had seen their conversation and Kevin had to hold back a groan of annoyance. The moment he even dared to mention the the words detention or points loss he would defend himself immediately! But, none of that happened and Flailsteed actually played along with his joke. Kevin stood there dumbfounded for a split second until he grinned again.
As the "care taker" shook off the Head of House as well and wanted to ...enjoy the food... Kevin laughed. "Awwww he's scared! "
"Oi, Head person" Obviously this was Airey. "Gryffindors aren't scared of anything, why'd you even let this chicken-imeanguy, in the common room? "
"Hey Kevin." Angel looked at the boy. "leave him alone." Angel felt bad that Professor Flamsteed was encouraging Kevin, seriously the poor Professor looked frighten she could tell, it was the way she looked every time she found a spider in her bedroom or in the bathroom. She totally hated them and wished that they would stop popping up everywhere. "You should be nice to new people you know." Angel smiled sweetly at the new Professor.
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Toddles sees others mistress talks to lil Toddles. Toddles does nots knows mistress. Toddles must says names. Yes Toddles shall. "Toddles mistress.." Toddles squirms yes he does.
Angel was just looking around when she saw her sister talking to someone or something, was it an house elf. "Hey." Angel smiled as she took over a cookie. "Would you like one?" Angel had more of them in her trunk, maybe she could give the house elf some another day when she tracked him down again. "I'm Angel Valentine." Angel held her hand out for the house elf to shake.