Thread: The Corner Room
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Old 01-07-2015, 11:00 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

Originally Posted by Eriin View Post
Silas had HOPEFULLY snuck into the room unnoticed. Hopefully. Sighforlifeyo. After the... fiasco that had been his first day back had muscled through classes and then escaped to the library for some solitude. Why had that prefect decided it was open season on him like that? It jad almost seemed like the guy could read minds... Silas had only said he wanted to rest a moment after all.

But he had thought a lot of things about escaping though has not voiced these things. Perhaps the kid was adept at reading body language or his suspicions about the authority figures having it in for him had proven true. MINDBLOWING!


Anyway it was over and not important anymore. So when he plopped down in the floor and pulled out his photo album from the summer he sought to erase these terrible memories. Yep. Not thinking about such things. Nope. Not at all. Lalalalal.
Silas hadn't quite been able to make it to the room unnoticed. Archie had been in the library flicking through a book for the homework he'd already managed to accumulate when he thought he'd seen a familiar face over the top of the pages. Naturally, he'd followed to check.

He slipped quietly into the room, an art he'd perfected with pranking the House Elves at home, and watched a moment. Si's body language suggested to Archie that he was still a bit down about things, but the fact he was here meant a lot. "I like that one of us," he said with a smile, approaching Si from behind and squatting down beside him. "And you look really handsome in that one," he nodded to the opposite page. "I've got some new ones from the wedding you might want to add in the dorm. Arrived this morning."
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