Heheheheh Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right. So Aegis had forgotten one crucial bit of information to tell Prefect Zander Adair where he could find Agatha Hapgood. So he quickly followed him out of the Common Room...Then as the Fat Lady shut behind him he reconsidered. It would make for quite the show to see how this Prefect would go to see Agatha.
Why did Agatha want to see him!?!?! Why Zander? Seriously what has Zander got that he doesn't...and don't nobody say the Badge! Authority was not cool!
If Zander kept on going down until he reached the Dungeons then Aegis will be concerned that this guy shows much more commitment to his Snake then he does for her! But if he gives up then...All the better for Aegis to have less competition.
Aegis continue on at a Safe distance behind the Prefect... 4th Floor!!
Seriously Zander had to STOP! Show some fatigue!!
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