Didn't mention everyone OOOF!
Just as he was about to make contact with the Prefect, Gabe Gregoire was tackled to the ground. Through all the commotion he could see it was the ignorant third year, Austin! How dare he!
First, he breaks his best friends heart by saying that she's like a younger sister. Second, he goes and brings his girlfriend into this whole entire mess. Now he does this. With wide eyes, Gregoire's rage was now focused on him. Ouch! Then he punched him straight in the cheek! Grabbing the wrist of the fist (hehe, I'm a poet and I didn't even know it) that just made contact with him, he slammed it into the concrete floor. Hopefully that should teach this one another lesson.
Using what little he learned in martial arts, Gregoire slithered out from underneath Austin. Not listening to his own house prefect, Beverly, he got on top of Austin's chest. One hand pressing hard against the kids arm, and the other one raised, clenched in a fist to punch him directly in the jaw. Just before he made contact though, the immobulus spells finally hit him.
This was just great! Now he couldn't punish the Ravenclaw who hit him! Thanks a lot bystanders! Didn't any of them know to get a teacher?? Or was everyone else like him? And they all liked to fight? In which case, Gregoire wouldn't mind that. He wouldn't mind at all.
Now thinking about it, he also didn't mind the fact that nobody was getting a proffesor. He didn't want to lose anymore points for his house...or even worse...get expelled! Now thinking about it, why did he have to get himself into this mess. Blood running from his hands, mouth, and nose, Gregoire just wished he could start this over.
A single tear...a tear of sadness ran down the Slytherin's cheek.
__________________ ... MISUNDERSTOOD ... DILIGENT ... SECRETIVE ... |