Vinteren, Erik Vinteren He had no idea who Benjy was and frankly didn't care, but the Lottie name...that at least rang a bell. Lottie was the girl he had given detention to, yes? Erik just shrugged this topic off altogether. Alexa was clearly too young to appreciate the finer things in life, like firewhiskey.
Well, she was definitely grinning and looking happy, happier than likely anyone else in Moribund's at this hour. And she disagreed, did she? Erik liked the eye contact, but kept his voice very, very soft as they discussed her potential. "Correct; you don't haff to play nice, but you do need to be able to decide who is vhe 'bad guy.' And I cannot help an Auror decide who is vhe bad guy and who is not." Which brought him back to his last point. "This is why I suggested travel for you, Alexa, so vhat you could see some truly bad things in vhe vorld, some good things too, and make up your own mind. After all, vot makes a person 'bad' in vhe first place? Is it because their politics do not align vith yours? Is it because vhey did one bad thing, once upon a time ago? Or is it because you were handed so-called 'evidence' of vheir wrong-doings, evidence vhich could very well have been doctored to mislead you into hunting an innocent wizard?"
Wizard rights, pfffffffffffft, who cared about those. He privately agreed there without even blinking a blonde eyelash. "All I am asking ov you is, don't lose vhat independent streak of yours when you go into vhe business of 'bad guy' catching." Or whatever it was she thought she would be doing.
Now, was Alexa Cambridge admitting that she had read a book? And challenged the Headmistress for her 'throne'? Erik Vinteren nearly laughed at the mental images he was getting, but turned his quiet chuckle into a soft cough instead. "So you truly enjoyed your last term there, in other vords." |