SPOILER!!: Janelle
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Janelle noticed that her older housemate was looking at her in a weird way. She wasn't quite sure why? Did it have something to do with the fact that she was still kind of wet? She didn't know. Then it dawned on her. "Do you know my sister Jasmine? She was in Ravenclaw last year." Maybe that would explain the funny look on her housemate's face.
Janelle's stomach began to growl again. It didn't look like the Headmistress would be giving her speech anytime soon. "I'm glad I had a couple of chocolate frogs or I would have passed out by now." Jasmine always talked about how good the food was at Hogwarts. Hopefully it would be worth the wait.
Then Janelle was asked about her train ride. "The train ride was fine, but I was hoping that I'd get a chance to meet more people along the way. I guess I'll have plenty of time for that though." Thank goodness she didn't ask about the boat ride. That was one story that didn't need to be repeated.
JASMIIIIINE! THAT'S WHAT IT WAS! Eden snapped at her and nodded. "
Yes! Jasmine was prefect!" she said excitedly, smiling over at JANELLE WHO WAS JASMINE'S SISTER OH MYYY! Eden thought they looked a LOT alike.
"I knew your face---from somewhere--how IS Jasmine? what is she up to?" she asked curiously. She didn't know much about Jasmine's personal life, but she did know the girl had always been nice and on top of things. Something Eden needed to WORK on. The 'on top' of things part.
"Well I actually have cookies--" from Puck. Normally she wouldn't trust Puck's cookies but---you know--the girl had OFFERED them to her so Eden was going to just think they were all right unless proven otherwise. She had already eaten...like....four. And nothing. So. Yeah. Probably safe. She pulled out the tin, though, and smirked.
Oh, the girl didn't need to worry about that. Eden just waved her hand casually.
"You'll meet lots of people here. Especially once we get back to the common room--it's great! You DO have to answer a riddle to get in, though...and that...was the toughest part for me. Took me MONTHS to get into the common room on my own." She was suuuuch a great Ravenclaw. Yep.
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Grey Lady
Catching a nod from one of the senior's Helena furrowed her brows in question at the young woman. "Eden dear, is everything all right?" It was not like the bubbly girl to squeak at her. Had her squeaky voice something to do with the three other students, of other houses that were standing around her. The Grey Lady was going to be watching them closely. She did not tolerate drama.
Eden glanced up at the ghost. Right. The Grey Lady knew her name. She was a bit shocked. But she supposed she shouldn't have been--Eden just stared up at her for a minute before nodding.
"Yes! Yes I'm fine-" she smiled and nodded more.
"How are you tonight, my lady?" she asked, trying to sound and BE extra polite while she was around. Grey Lady was like......super poshy. And Eden didn't much offending ghosts.
SPOILER!!: Gregoire
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natethegreat Gregoire decided, since the feast hasn't officially started yet, and since everyone else is doing it, that he would wander over to the Ravenclaw table to see his friend, Ophelia! Casually walking over like he belongs he strided up behind the little blonde girl. Grabbing her by the sides he said into her ear with a very loud voice "BONJOUR OPHIE!"
Oh how he just loved to embarrass his friend.
And who was this boy that she was with? "So, Ophie, is this that boy that you've been telling me about? The one you have a crush on?!" That should embarrass her right? Hopefully this would make her blush! This would be a very good thing!
This was why Gregoire was in Slytherin. He was sly and sneaky and very manipulative at times. Mostly only around his friends though.
Merlin. There was another Slytherin here--and this one she didn't KNOW. But he was being loud. She supposed she could be loud, too--*glare at Gabriel Banner* but she also was ONLY loud at her OWN house table. Regardless, Eden wasn't RUDE.
She just smiled at the kid and wondered...he was...he was kind of near her, too, and she suddenly felt SHY and wanted to just..yeah...well...loud Slytherin kid over here...Eden hoped he didn't notice her STARING at him like..five seconds ago. She didn't like being called out. Nopeeee.
So she just coughed and glanced around...to look for--ah. Sophie Brown. She squinted at the girl and tried to hear what she was saying and WHO she was saying it to. On orders, of course. Super top secret stuff right HERE. She should have brought a notebook to take notes. OH. Maybe she would--no. NO. She couldn't be that OBVIOUS. So she just smiled at the Slytherin kid, completely forgetting she wasn't trying to get his ATTENTION, and just...stared at Miss...Brown.
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Adi saluted Eden back. "It's going great!" Weird train ride? He new all about those. He laughed a bit. "Keeps things from getting dull and makes you look forward to being back here, right?" Though he still resented Ian for spoiling his and the gang's ride last year.
And looky! It was the Grey Lady. "Good evening,'' Adi said politely to her.
Eden nodded. "
Indeed. It does. I AM glad to be back-you get lonely over the summer. Only my pets for company." She said with a shrug. Adi was a nice guy. And prefect. Another prefect friend? That made...Puck...Zander...Adi...hmm. She was working on becoming better friends with Beverly. So this was good. It was ALWAYS good to have....prefect friends. For reasons.
Completely good, innocent reasons, too. Yep.
"Do anything of interest over the summer?" she asked, and as he spoke to the grey Lady, she wanted to warn Adi be AS. POLITE. AS. POSSIBLE because if not she'd be...snooty. Yep. SNOOTY.