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Old 01-03-2015, 04:47 PM   #80 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elias Inkwell
First Year
Default Dat Slytherin house doh... O__O
Snake disguised as Raven Browncoat

Originally Posted by Grey Lady View Post
"It's a pleasure to meet you Corrigan. What a lovely name. Does it have any special meaning?" Helena inquired softly. She had already forgotten the girl’s almost mistake of extending a hand for a shake. It was clear that the girl had been taught manners.

Putting some warmth into her smile she said. "Trying is all I ask for dear." She wasn’t a monster. Everyone did their best and that was quite enough.
Corrigan thought about it, and then replied, "No ma'am. Or, well, I guess it might, but I don't know it."

And now she felt the need to find out. She beamed up at Helena and promised, "I will!"

Text Cut: Kate
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Somewhere beside her, Kate heard Corrigan start to talk, but it was within that exact second Kate happened to catch sight of another badge, this one on an older girl. "There's the other one!" she said to Corrigan, with the same amount of excitement she'd shown for the boy prefect.

Kate slowly turned her attention away from the second badge she'd seen and looked toward Corrigan. "Obviously," Kate repeated, as if they'd just agreed on something as solid as the date or the name of their new school. Making friends was turning out to be easier than she thought! Let's see, there was Corrigan, Nicole, Timmy...and those were just the ones about her age! There were a few older ones, too.

All thoughts of the elaborate decorations were lost at the mention of the prefects. Kate turned her attention back to them and thought about what Corrigan was saying. "I don't know," Kate said, wondering herself if they were meant to be bossy and the such. "Maybe it's just when we're doing something we're not supposed to be doing." Speaking of which, there was a major commotion over at the Slytherin table. Professors had come up and all. Even the house ghost looked to be a bit moodier than Kate had read he was. "What do you think's going on over there?" she asked, looking toward the Slytherin table.

Corrigan thought about this information, and concluded that the older students she'd heard talking on the train were simply troublemakers and complaining about having been caught making trouble. Quite often the simplest explanation was the correct one, and this seemed like a simple explanation indeed.

"That makes sense." And also gave her permission to go back to being excited and oggling the prefect badges without misgivings. Kate's question, Corrigan turned on the bench and observed the happenings at the Slytherin table.



Points taken! Detention given! Banished from the feast! Another detention?! Corrigan subconsciously held Kate's arm and may have squeezed it a little as she watched. That professor was definitely not in a pleasant mood. And that ghost over there was yelling a lot, too.

She didn't know what had happened before the hammer came down, but it caused her to lean in close to Kate's ear and confide, "I like Ravenclaw much better."
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