Text Cut: Prefect!
Originally Posted by
Wood'sLittleFlower So Coral was a tad bit late to the feast. She might have gone a little overboard in checking, double checking, even triple checking that no student got lost or left behind in the shuffle of the fast moving school. But she was here now and she was standing at the edge of the table, overlooking it. Her eyes continuously scanned the area, her arms crossed but her posture a little slack, it would never live up to her sister's standards, that was for certain.
Her eyes would pause on the familiar faces, lingering a little as she tried to determine what sort of conversations were being held, without interfering or overly eavesdropping. She was especially enjoying watching those who were very animated in their manners, like Soph and Eden. Both of whom seemed to be experiencing some sort of extreme emotion. They both received smiles from her even if their attention was elsewhere. Clara was there too, as well as some people from other tables who she didn't recognize as well as the Hufflepuff prefect who also received a smile... Her gaze shifted again, this time pausing on Kyroh and Thornton... And Penelope? She squinted a little. Was that her name? Come to think of it, there were a lot of other Ravenclaws who's names this prefect did not know. Was she supposed to? Was that part of prefecting? Merlin, she'd need a new journal for that..... The tiny pit in her stomach was growing.
And of course, the first years and transfers.... At least she could say that there was no reason to know their names just yet? Already making excuses, Aldrich? The pit grew a little more. Her gaze had finally reached her favorite part of the little run around game: Gabe. The pit was momentarily gone, replaced by little butterflies instead, the tiniest of smiles tugging the corners of her lips. Once the food arrived, she would take the spot beside him and hopefully stop feeling so foolish and nervous; at least temporarily.
But now was not that time, so around her gaze went again.
Somewhere beside her, Kate heard Corrigan start to talk, but it was within that exact second Kate happened to catch sight of another badge, this one on an older girl.
"There's the other one!" she said to Corrigan, with the same amount of excitement she'd shown for the boy prefect.
Text Cut: Ashwinder
Originally Posted by
Ashwinder "Obviously we're meant to be friends then, if we're that similar." Obviously. The Sorting Hat probably realized that in its heart of... er... cloth... and decided that she and Kate simply must be in the same house. Which meant, of course, that Kate would get along swimmingly with Amur, and if Amur were able to find a friend as well, that would make four of them. Friend-making was easy!
At Kate's explanation of all the decorations, Corrigan found herself nodding along. She added, "I didn't think of it like that, but you're right of course. I guess it's better to be overwhelmed than underwhelmed!" She grinned, knowing for a fact that she'd just used those two big words correctly in a sentence (that she may have borrowed from one of the adults in her family).
Corrigan got so excited by Kate's tone that for a second she didn't pay any attention to what the other girl had said and got super excited herself. Then her brain processed it all and her lips twitched to one side in a thoughful gesture, her brows lowering, "Aren't prefects the ones who boss all the other students around and 'act like Merlin's gift to the school'? I heard something like that on the train..."
It was amazing how often older children said private things in her presence because they simply forgot to look down before gossiping.
Kate slowly turned her attention away from the second badge she'd seen and looked toward Corrigan.
"Obviously," Kate repeated, as if they'd just agreed on something as solid as the date or the name of their new school. Making friends was turning out to be easier than she thought! Let's see, there was Corrigan, Nicole, Timmy...and those were just the ones about her age! There were a few older ones, too.
All thoughts of the elaborate decorations were lost at the mention of the prefects. Kate turned her attention back to them and thought about what Corrigan was saying.
"I don't know," Kate said, wondering herself if they were meant to be bossy and the such.
"Maybe it's just when we're doing something we're not supposed to be doing." Speaking of which, there was a major commotion over at the Slytherin table. Professors had come up and all. Even the house ghost looked to be a bit moodier than Kate had read he was.
"What do you think's going on over there?" she asked, looking toward the Slytherin table.
Text Cut: isSeeker
Originally Posted by
isSeeker Nicole looked up from her book to see her new friend - new Ravenclaw friend - greet her. "Hi, Kate," she said with a smile. "Yay, it did! I'm really excited to be a Ravenclaw with you," she said, remembering their conversation on the train about the sorting. She could not believe her sorting experience was now over, but the thrill had yet disappeared as she anticipated the journey about to unfurl in the future.
"How was your boat ride to the castle?" she asked. Nicole wanted to know everything about the firstie boats. It was one of her wishes to ride the boat herself, but it did not work out well because of her being homeschooled.
Nicole had looked up from her book then, so Kate divided her attention between her new and whatever chaos was going on at the Slytherin table. Kate was suddenly glad she hadn't gotten sorted there. That one professor trying to get things back in order looked scary!
She smiled, though, when Nicole commented on their sorting. "Isn't it exciting?" she commented.
"Oh, that's right! You didn't ride the boats. I keep forgetting we're not in the same year." Nicole had gotten to ride with the older kids, which was what Kate would get to do next year.
"Two girls fell into the water. Well, one girl did, and then the other girl jumped in after her. Then the boy in my boat started rocking the boat, but we finally got him to stop." She told this stody very animated, with wide eyes just at the right moment.
"It was a lot of fun, though! It was so magical seeing the castle for the very first time!" Text Cut: Grey Lady
Originally Posted by
Grey Lady "It's lovely to meet you Kate." Helena smiled. "Oslo? So you speak Norwegian fluently then dear?" she inquired most intrigued. This was most excellent. Her mother would be pleased if she knew that Ravenclaw had gotten a newly sorted 11 year old who spoke more than just English. "I hope you’ll come to love Ravenclaw as much as I do." She hoped quietly.
Kate returned the smile.
"It's nice to meet you, too," she said. Helena reminded Kate of her mom, since both always had a smile to share and words to say that would make you feel better no matter what. Kate could feel her first day nerves settling down as the feast went on.
"No," she said, shaking her head. She hoped that didn't disappoint the ghost.
"I was homeschooled, so I didn't have to learn the language for school. My family spoke English at home, and since we didn't plan to stay there forever, mom and dad didn't teach me the language." Kate perked up when Helena mentioned loving Ravenclaw as much as she did.
"I already do!" Text Cut: FearlessLeader19
Originally Posted by
FearlessLeader19 But hey, Kate remembered him! "I can see that you are. I bet you'll love it here and you seem to be fitting in already.'' It was so nice that the Houses were always so welcoming to the new ones. "I sure did. Did your mom made you promise not to eat a lot of sweets while you're here?" He was curious as to that. Adi automatically glanced up at the enchanted ceiling which was mimicking the sky outside. "It's enchanted to look like the sky outside but I bet you already knew that.'' Kate's mom probably had told her.
Oh. His badge. Adi didn't usually tell anyone he was prefect. Boasting was not his thing. "Oh yeah, I am. Thank you. I've had it since last term." He loved being a prefect and all the responsibilities that came with it.
Kate was doing a lot of smiling lately, but she guessed that was what a person did when they were really happy and excited about something. She couldn't help smiling each time somebody mentioned her new house. She was so happy and relieved to finally be a Ravenclaw!
"Everybody's so nice," she said, although she eyed the Slytherin table again.
"Adi, what's going on over there?"
She left that question hanging and answered Adi's question about sweets.
"No, she really doesn't have rules about sweets. She just didn't want me to eat too many on the day she wanted me to focus most on getting my school supplies," she answered. She patted her pocket where she'd stashed the chocolate frog from Adi.
"I'm saving this one for later, when I get to the common room."
Kate nodded in reply to what he'd said about the enchanted ceiling. She'd read about it, too.
"I bet you're a really good prefect. I heard prefects are bossy. Is that true?" she asked.