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Then there was a ghost. Ariel made sure to sit away from that. She'd never seen one before, but never intended to meet one. Plus, the fact that she was seeing one, while she was walking to a new table, in a new school, with new people, was all too overwhelming. The fourteen-year-old felt a sudden stab of terrible homesickness. And the only person she felt comfortable with on any level was David, who she didn't see along this table at all.
Ariel kept walking and walking until she reached the far end of students and gave the most forced, nervous smile of her life to whoever she took a seat next to.
Helena had looked on with interest and pride as another student had been sorted into the home of her mother’s. As the young girl came over and took a seat at the table the grey lady waved at her with an elegantly nail polished hand.
"Welcome to the house of the eagles! I hope you'll come to like it here." Quote:
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Oh no, the Grey Lady asked about the boat ride. Janelle realllly didn't want to get into that whole story. She guessed it was pretty obvious that she was a tad........un-dry. "Well ma'am, I certainly had an interesting ride to the castle. Let's just say that I'm very glad to be here." That part was most definitely true.
Turning to Janelle the grey lady smiled
"I'm glad to hear that dear. I still reminisce sometimes about the boat ride I took to Hogwarts back in the day." The girl looked wet. Someone needed to find her a towel. It wouldn’t do if she got pneumonia in her first week at the school.
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It was at that moment that the Grey Lady chose to arrive, Kyroh waved slightly, but hesitantly. He still wasn't sure about her after she had given him a stern warning against saying TRUE FACTS about his Head of House.[/color]
Noting a wave in her direction Helena glided a little closer to the third year boy.
"Good evening young Kyroh. I trust you had a good summer?" She hadn’t forgotten what he had said last term about Mr Kitridge, but she wasn’t longsighted. She gave him a new chance.
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But for now, when the ghost made her appearance, Soph ducked her head and tried to appear invisible, but alas, Josie was conversing with the ghost, so Soph inevitably straightened up and plastered on a smile, but she did not look at the transparent woman, no. No. She was not going to invite the woman to critique her if she could help it. Not this time.[/color]
In the seat next to Josette, fifth year Sophie Brown had arrived. Doing her best to appear invisible, hide from her it seemed. This was not right. This was not lady-like. You faced and greeted everyone especially your elders no matter if you liked them or not. Helena wrinkled her nose in disapproval and it clouded her voice just a little as she addressed the brown haired girl.
"Miss Brown, it’s so good to see you again! I trust you had a great summer vacation?"
Gesturing to the wet 11 year old Janelle the lady continued.
"Can you be a dear and fix Janelle up with a towel or a hot air charm? She looks to be shivering." With no prefects currently around it seemed appropriate that Sophie as a senior stepped up.
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As Kate turned to talk to other students, Corrigan couldn't help but stare a little at the ghost coming towards her. And then she was introducing herself so nicely, and didn't seem quite as intimidating any more. Corrigan went to extend her hand for a shake, as she'd been taught so painstakingly by her grandfather, only to realize that of course that wouldn't work.
So she turned it into a polite little wave instead and said, "Corrigan Neverwinter, ma'am. Nice to meet you."
Upon hearing that Helena's very own mother had founded Ravenclaw house (and didn't it sound curious, a ghost talking about her mother), Corrigan felt herself getting very small all over again. "I'll try?"
"It's a pleasure to meet you Corrigan. What a lovely name. Does it have any special meaning?" Helena inquired softly. She had already forgotten the girl’s almost mistake of extending a hand for a shake. It was clear that the girl had been taught manners.
Putting some warmth into her smile she said.
"Trying is all I ask for dear." She wasn’t a monster. Everyone did their best and that was quite enough.
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Keeping his head down, he approached the Ravenclaw table...semi-sneakily cutting his eyes at those assembled. Why did there appear to be MORE girls this term? Older girls, too...Not the smaller ones like Dot, who he could reason were less intimidating. UNLIKE Dot, was was vastly MORE intimidating...The Gray Lady was present, too...and was speaking to everyone. She wasn't a living girl, though....So, Gabe didn't find her as terrifying.
He took a seat beside a quiet boy (keepmeclose22), whom he did not recognize...but was silent enough to be deemed acceptable....and slid his plate out of the way, laying his potions' journal flat against the table. Finding his multi-colored quill, also conveniently located in his bag, he flipped to a clean page and began writing.
'Finally' Helena murmured quietly to herself as she saw Gabriel Banner, one of the newly appointed prefect’s join the table. Floating down towards him she beamed
"Congratulations to the prefect appointment Gabriel. Mr Kitridge made a wise choice." Yes, Helena was quite pleased. Enough so that she for a moment didn’t comment on the fact that Gabriel was writing in his journal at the feast, a big etiquette no no.
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Anna Banana
"Thank you, Helena," Kate said, watching the ghost float about. She considered adding a 'Mrs.' in front of her name, but the ghost had just said Helena, so that's what Kate had said, too. "My name's Kate Addison. I'm from London and Oslo. London first and Oslo second." Because that's how it had all happened, and now she was back home in Great Britain.
"It's lovely to meet you Kate." Helena smiled.
"Oslo? So you speak Norwegian fluently then dear?" she inquired most intrigued. This was most excellent. Her mother would be pleased if she knew that Ravenclaw had gotten a newly sorted 11 year old who spoke more than just English.
"I hope you’ll come to love Ravenclaw as much as I do." She hoped quietly.
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She nodded at the Grey Lady, though, and hoped the ghost would just...yeah...not want to talk to her because she felt like she couldn't completely and coherently THINK right now. "Evenin', Miss--" she squeaked. Merlin's. Pants.
Catching a nod from one of the senior's Helena furrowed her brows in question at the young woman.
"Eden dear, is everything all right?" It was not like the bubbly girl to squeak at her. Had her squeaky voice something to do with the three other students, of other houses that were standing around her. The Grey Lady was going to be watching them closely. She did not tolerate drama.
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Thornton smiled as she remembered him. "I did, thank you. And yours?" He supposed she just remained around the castle, but perhaps it was nice to have it free of students for a few months.
Turning towards Thornton once more Helena smiled.
"It was quite lovely thank you. Sir Nicholas kept me company. But I missed you and all the other students. Hogwarts gets too quiet without you here." That was the truth. Hogwarts wasn’t Hogwarts without its students.
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The pit was momentarily gone, replaced by little butterflies instead, the tiniest of smiles tugging the corners of her lips. Once the food arrived, she would take the spot beside him and hopefully stop feeling so foolish and nervous; at least temporarily.
Oh right. Helena had forgotten. The new girl prefect Coral-Bay was Gabriel's girlfriend too. Waving a transparent hand in the dark-haired girl’s direction to catch her attention the Grey Lady beamed.
"Congratulations to your new appoint Coral-Bay! I have every faith that you’ll make a good prefect." Quote:
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She looked down at the book she was holding. The lady was right, she should not have been reading during a feast. The girl closed the book, not forgetting to stick her bookmark in the correct page. "I'm sorry, ma'am," she said, blushing. "I'm Nicole. Nice to meet you," she introduced herself. If she were to socialize with her fellow Ravenclaws and build new friendships, she supposed she could do so with her house ghost.
"It's lovely to meet you Nicole." The Grey Lady said with some cheerfulness to her tone.
"I hope you’ll come to feel at home in Ravenclaw. Did you have a lovely train ride?" She questioned curiously. With the sorting still going on it was some time until the headmistress gave her speech.
SPOILER!!: Ophelia,Gregroire, Adam
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Was he hurt? He couldn't be! Nobody would have a crush on little Ophelia. But still, emotions. She didn't mean to make it sound like that! He was already quiet and moody today, and Gregroire had to come in a ruin it? Merlin! Somehow thinking of all of this made the twelve year old feel even more sick. The blonde couldn't look at him. She WOULDN'T look at him. Because he hadn't said anything, and that's even worse than if he had laughed or became mad. This silence was killing her.
Ophelia had rocketed from not caring what people thought or what was happening to caring way too much. This change of emotions couldn't have been normal. But that's the way pre-teens were. And were people staring? Not that she was so interesting to look at, but they were kind of making a scene. Which brought back the feeling of nasuea. She grabbed for the water glass again and noticed it was empty. Great. Helpful.
Her blue-grey eyes snuck a peek at the third year. OMYGOD he was blushing! Nope. Nope. The kid wanted to run out of here, or do that floorboard thing from earlier, but those options weren't feasible right now. Mostly because she A)didn't know any magic that allowed people to do the floorboard thing B) and she was completely rooted to the spot. The kid had told him that --if it were true-- in confidence! Could she see a Healer, or even the Whomping Willow now? Because her ears were burning and her face felt hot and seriously, could someone get her some water? She couldn't say a word. Nothing more to Austin to prove that she still wanted to be friends even though he obviously didn't like her back and she didn't like him, and no more snappy comebacks to Gregroire, who she SERIOUSLY hated right now.
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Austin's copying was interrupted by a blonde second year walking over. But this wasn't just any blonde girl, this was Ophie. The girl he had been hoping to see since he walked on the train. His eyes lit up, but he still had a solom look on his face. He closed his books, and turned to look at the curly haired girl. Normally he would get up, bow to her, make a scene. But today was not one of those days. No, instead, he just moved over and patted the spot next to him. He hoped she would sit. He spent the whole summer taking care of his younger sister, it was time for friends. Or... friend.
"Um.." How does one talk? How does one speak to friends? He only spoke to two people after his previous engagement with The Blonde Queen, and this felt wrong. Like talking to people wasn't something he spent 12 years of his life doing. How do friends talk? Merlin's beard this was harder than he thought. Thankfully he didn't have to talk, for a slytherin hopped in this conversation. He smiled at the boy and Ophie as she stood up. He wasn't sure who this person was, but... wait... CRUSH!? Austin's cheeks turned a red color as The Blonde Queen addressed the Slytherin Subject. Did she have a crush on him? He didn't have to ponder that long, she answered that. No. Which was what he thought, no one really had crushes on Austin. He was too awkward and grumpy to have a crush on.
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Gregoire decided, since the feast hasn't officially started yet, and since everyone else is doing it, that he would wander over to the Ravenclaw table to see his friend, Ophelia! Casually walking over like he belongs he strided up behind the little blonde girl. Grabbing her by the sides he said into her ear with a very loud voice "BONJOUR OPHIE!"
Oh how he just loved to embarrass his friend.
And who was this boy that she was with? "So, Ophie, is this that boy that you've been telling me about? The one you have a crush on?!" That should embarrass her right? Hopefully this would make her blush! This would be a very good thing!
This was why Gregoire was in Slytherin. He was sly and sneaky and very manipulative at times. Mostly only around his friends though.
Helena was expecting an answer from Ophelia when she became a witness to what could be the beginning of a spectacle since the boy in Slytherin robes seemed to be an evil tease. A feast was not the right place to flaunt someone else’s crushes. It was not appropriate. Helena glanced over at Coral-Bay and Gabriel giving them both meaningful looks in this trio’s direction. They better be, watching this scene unfold, and if the two claws lost their minds then Helena expected the house prefects to act or she would.