SPOILER!!: Kyroh
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"Gringotts dragons." He bobbed his head as he watched his housemates eyes grow."Trained to protect and kill on first sight!" Except...not exactly because then he'd be dead. Kyroh figured they just killed intruders not the people taking care of them. "Little sister." He held out his hands to try and show how big she was but was probably off. By a lot. "And she's really little." As in, he couldn't even play with her yet or anything. Which kind of sucked.
He pulled his attention away from Thornton as Penelope sat down. "Hullo Penelope!!" He hoped her fingers were okay from the train ride, and that she had remembered to pick up her wand.
Turning back to Thornton the third year grinned. Cello? Little sister??"You have a little sister too?" They should start a big brother club! With Dot! Even though she wouldn't be a brother but still! "Who's Paige?"
It was at that moment that the Grey Lady chose to arrive, Kyroh waved slightly, but hesitantly. He still wasn't sure about her after she had given him a stern warning against saying TRUE FACTS about his Head of House.
Thornton laughed as Kyroh described the dragons.
"That sounds incredible," he said, though he wondered about the kill at first sight. Surely there needed to be some sort of system to differentiate intruders from workers. Maybe he'd ask Dima...
"Little sisters are great," Thornton said with some personal knowledge.
"My little sister, Mairwen, is six." He nodded at Kyroh.
"Yours will get bigger. You should ask your parents to send you pictures." Thornton didn't exactly remember Mairwen growing so quickly, but they'd been looking at photos this summer and Thornton thought it was kinda astounding how big a difference even a month or two made when she was an infant.
"Oh, you don't know Paige?" Thornton twisted to see if he could spot her in the hall.
"She's a Hufflepuff. Curly hair." Thornton gestured to his hair and twisted his finger.
"Penelope, you know Paige, don't you?"
If not, there were introductions to be made!
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Grey Lady
Hearing a familiar voice Helena turned her head towards the boy who had tried to shake her hand last term. Nodding at him she said "Good evening Thornton. I trust you had great summer?" He was hopefully not going to try to shake her hand again. That had been awkward for the both of them.
Thornton smiled as she remembered him.
"I did, thank you. And yours?" He supposed she just remained around the castle, but perhaps it was nice to have it free of students for a few months.