Originally Posted by
EEEEEEEK! You're open you're open!
*snags a spot* I love that manip you did for Jessiqua btw. I have nothing as complicated as that to request, hehe, but I would looooooove to wear what I'm requesting for the BoG Reunion!
1. I'd like: an Avvy & Siggy (and I'd love a few extra avvy options to wear randomly too, if you have the time. :3)
2. With these pictures: Anything from this album of Ben Barnes.
3. and THIS size: you know the avvy size and 450 x 150 or shorter for the sig!
4. Text: Fletcher, class of 2074
5. Anything else: Fletcher's fav color is blue! I trust you to do something simple, since BB doesn't need much to look good.

Ok so I tried to be funky and put the Huffie crest over his name in the one pic but I'm not sure if I like it so I made two versions haha. Let me know if any changes need to be made!
Originally Posted by
*pets them*
Thank youuuuu! <333
Originally Posted by
Is your queue still open? I need something new for Nessa and I'd love some Lissy graphics!
Hello lovely Lissy! I would like:
1. An avvie and a siggy
2. With these pictures: Sutton Foster is her model, I honestly don't care which pics you use
3. and THIS size (pixels please): standard avvy of course, maybe 180 x 400 for siggy, but I'm not married to that lol
4. Anything else: Um, text for the siggy can say something like Nessarose Glendower, History of Magic.. anything along those lines. No text on the avvy. And thank you!!
It is and I've added youuuu!
Queue is OPEN!