Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler Marigold straightened her prefect badge which had gotten a bit off-center because of all the HUGGING she had been doing (FRIENDS!!!) and totally wasn't late when she walked into the compartment. "Hi Bev, Adi," she said, greeting them, then turned to the new prefects and saw -
Sophie Brown?
Sophie Brown was a prefect? Well sure, pretty much all the staff adored her, but for some reason Marigold didn't see the authority in her. (And it wasn't just because she had never thanked Marigold for SAVING her LIFE from that ICE)
Oh. It was just a trick badge. "Head Nerd #2". Toby was probably #1 "Hi, Sophie Brown," she said, but it might've sounded a bit squeaky because of her confusion why Sophie Brown was there.