Vinteren, Erik Vinteren "I vould have finished that for you..." Erik commented, even as he calmly observed the girl using magic to whisk away perfectly good firewhiskey. Perfectly good and drinkable yet. She still had some growing up to do.
Did his answer disappoint? He leaned back into his corner and crossed his arms, quite comfortable with her lack of reaction to his response. And this was why he was the best at what he did...which, exactly, she may never well know. At least Alexa did not ask a follow-up question, thank Odin. "True, just look at the voman leading your school." She was an unholy terror with a temper, easily misled by shiny objects and handsome men. Not that anyone had asked him. "Congratulations," he said instead, "on developing some self-control. So far you haff accomplished something many adults never manage." He was proud of her, in his own way. "You vill only improve on vhat with time, and by learning vhat is worthy of being blown up and what could be handled by...other means."
Not that he was here to give her lessons, ahem. Erik kept his arms crossed and gave the girl a small shrug. "Maybe you should see the vorld a bit before you decide to vork for the British." Just saying. |