Originally Posted by
Joel makes the bestttt ... I still love the ones he made for Hadley
*treasures forever* I should create an album for Hadley with the memorable siggies and such *nods*
though some of them i think i can still use since they don't have her position listed on it even if technically Arithmancy/MS professor will always be a part of her even if its not current I do too and I do have an album for Minerva and all her graphics. One of my favorites was our leader siggy <3 It was so pretty.
Can we have a Min/Hadley RP soon.. Please *puppy eyes*
Originally Posted by
Lissy Longbottom
Thank you to everyone for all the congrats on the badge
In case you couldn't tell by the fact that he's already making himself at home in the prefects carriage
Pffffft Bart says Badge or not he'd make himself at home in that compartment. Obviously he says he'd be Quidditch Captain if there was still Quidditch so he deserves to be there..
He doesn't realize he isn't played on SS in school anymore can you tell? So full of himself..