Originally Posted by
Awww *blushes* Thank you.. Joel made it for me. I have an aviee too, but Cassie wanted her Badger Pride out and I needed to get rid of the Vote for Vic one before he was done, so we put the badger in
Joel makes the bestttt ... I still love the ones he made for Hadley
*treasures forever* I should create an album for Hadley with the memorable siggies and such *nods*
though some of them i think i can still use since they don't have her position listed on it even if technically Arithmancy/MS professor will always be a part of her even if its not current Quote:
Originally Posted by
Congrats to all badged people.
We will have fun, right? :3
Yessssssssss Houseeeeemateeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by
ZAAANDER. A prefect! He so deserves it! Noel says he had Prefect written ALL OVER HIM from the get go
Also, does anyone wanna plaay with a fourth year Huffie person?
We do
Fourth years FTW! ;P