Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... Victoria had been very busy, the manager meeting was coming up and so was the tryouts. It was a very good thing that the blonde was organized or she might have bigger issues keeping up with everything. So glad that Cossy was home for the summer, because he was really stepping up as a step dad with the girls. It was so cute and she just loved seeing him with them. Since she did have the extra time once she was done with a few of her meetings and in office things she made her way to level four.
Making her way towards an office door she knocked. Checking her watch it was just after four so she hoped he was still around. She had got to meet Mr. Howell once when dealing with an unfortunate plant issue that her son had left in the basement. Plants were on her agenda to speak to him about, but not any that had gotten starved in her basement.
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