♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua Zhenya was smiling up at the lady who was very kind. Actually very kind, not just… nice enough. She nodded, "It's BEAUTIFUL out there! I love feeling the sun." It was true, she loved the feeling of the sun on her skin. It was a delightful day, her skin was taking in all the rays it could. She dug in her pocket and handed the lady 17 gallons and 12 sickles and waited for it to be counted, just in case she had got the wrong amount out. Pepper beamed at the enthusiastic reply she got about the weather. "I do agree. Summer is the best time of the year." Not simply because of the amount of wonderful kids she got into her shop, but it definitely was the best thing to feel the sun on your skin. Just lovely. "Thank you." She quickly looked over the coins before dropping them into the till and handing over the packages. "Be sure to enjoy the day, dearie!" Quote:
Originally Posted by Ginevra Cilla carefully put the items on the counter so she could pay for them. She reached into her bag, pulled out her purse and extracted 13 galleons and 4 sickles. "There you are," Cilla said as she handed the money over to the shopkeeper. "Ah, thank you, love." Pepper collected up the coins in her hand, running her fingers over them as she double checked the amount as per usual, and deposited them into the till. "And there you are." She added, passing over the girl's purchases. Quote:
Originally Posted by EmmyMorrison5559 "It certainly is." Emelia said as she shuffled through her coin purse for the money. She handed the cashier the money "There we go" Mhmm. Mhmm. As she felt the coins placed into her hand, Pepper paused, thinking she might have heard a cry from the monitor which would mean Miss Violet was awake and in need of her mama. She listened carefully for it again as she handed over the package, but didn't hear. "Thank you, dearie. Have a nice day!" And as soon as she was off, Pepper was going to check on her own little girl. |