Beverly and Cutty Treat Yo Self | +2 | Enabler | Nerd | Blink Well now that this thing was just a bunch of words that had no meaning to Dante. He could make a paper football later and have fun with that later. Yeah, he would do that. He was wondering why the Girl Prefect was nodding at him. Did she have something to do with this paper. Prefects were a little weird. The nice kind of weird though.
Oh, it was the dude from the train. "Yeah, and are they really as serious as this makes it seem?" Dante asked holding out the parchment thing. Because Dante could care less. And yes, that was his awesome last name. "Yeah, that is my brother's name"
Did everyone know him?
__________________ -------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside. |