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"The pleasure is all mine." She nodded as he mentioned the feat of running for Minister. "Yes and I truly like the variety of the people that are running. It's nice to see the different backgrounds and interest." She could appreciate that even if they were her competition. She knew if she didn't end up winning she'd have to work under one of the other possible candidates so it was good to know your competition as well as your possible boss.
Looking to were he gestured she found a seat and set her bag down pulling out her parchment and quill. "Thank you and thank you for giving me some of your time. I hope you don't mind if I take some notes on what we discuss." She didn't want to forget anything he had to say. "Now I know your wife is running and I'm not here to try to win you over. I think it's wonderful to support your wife so well." She knew an exhusband of her own that would have never supporter her, good thing she her husband now fully supported and backed her.
"What I am here for is to find out what you feel is the most important thing you feel your department needs. I've been doing some research in all the departments, because I've always had an interest in all departments, but as a possible minister I want to know if I do get the position how I can better serve you. I feel being minister isn't about being a boss, but a team player. Every department head is a piece of that puzzle and you all run your departments brilliantly, so now it's my job to see how I can help you keep it running and bring it even more success."
"I do too, there's more of a choice, and more to really get to know about each one of the candidates." he said as he took a seat as well. "It definitely helps with deciding who might be the best fit for minister." He could definitely say there were a few that he wasn't too thrilled with that were running but he'd keep that to himself. He knew a few from previous encounters and it hadn't sat well with him.
"No not at all. Feel free." he said nodding when she hoped he wouldn't mind her taking notes. He didn't have any concerns about that, he took plenty of notes himself. He smiled and nodded "I understand." He would support her even if she had decided to run for head of maintenance, but felt she would do well as minister, as would a few others but he was a bit biased on that point with Becca.
He listened in silence letting her speak, merlin what he wouldn't have given for the current minister of magic to even think along those lines. "We are a team here, each one of us does our part and if we didn't, there would be departments in shambles." Such as when Gina had left according to Gavin... "I'm not going to say it's perfect here as a head of a department, it has it's moments." Like when the entire department had been destroyed by chizpurfles? "For IMC in particular what I would like to see is more input from the other departments, and not feel as if we're put out there on our own, and then find out information second or even third hand when we should have heard first hand that there was to be peace talks or even a delegate that is arriving at the ministry."
He bit his lip and sighed a little "I've been actually trying to get level 7 in on the talks about the next junior youth games and where they are to be held but at the moment, I'm not even able to get a single member from level 7 to attend the meetings." He shook his head "But that's not what we're here to discuss. What I'd like to see is the minister to get more involved within the levels. Not just send his senior undersecretary out and about but to actually attend things as well."