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Old 12-09-2014, 07:43 AM   #12 (permalink)

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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Gallifrey
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First Year

Molly and Arthur

The test was hard. Why couldn’t it have been a practical homework assignment? Arthur sat at the study tables doing the best he could, his potions and charms textbooks open in front of him.
“Do you need some help?” a fellow first year asked him.
Arthur looked up and met the eyes of the beautiful girl he had seen for the first time only three weeks ago.
“I just… I’m conf-… well this question here. What charm is used for the first of the 5 C’s?”
Molly looked over his shoulder. He could smell her faint scent of freshly baked bread.

“The first C is clean, and the cleaning charm,” she paused, flipping through his charms book to find it, “is Scourgify. Like this,” she read the incantation and wand movement and practiced it on an ink stain on the table. It vanished. She turned and smiled at Arthur, feeling her cheeks redden. She had been wanting to speak to him for two weeks now, and after watching him struggle with his homework, she had decided it was the perfect time.

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