For ANYONE :3 A Poop * k8 * Dani sauntered over to the body art STATION because she wanted some...body art. Obviously. DUH. She grinned and approached slowly, hanging her backpack off one shoulder, wishing she hadn't forgotten her sunglasses home.
oh Well.
She would LIIIVE she supposed. Wasn't Artemis supposed to be around here?! She hadn't seen her pretty little friend yet. And Dani was contemplating not going She'd probably stay at Art's. Oops. Way to make Tabby even MORE angry, riiiight?
Her blue eyes blinked, and she waited patiently for a free worker? Artist? Artist seemed better. Hmph. And she was...getting...IDEAS...because...well..she'd need to appeal to Tabby at some point to NOT break up with OOps.
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |