A Poop * k8 *
Well. She was glad Professor Romanos had cleared that up. A little flick to the right---oh Merlin--or had she said...left? Eden eyed her notes. She had written right but what IF Romanos had said left--Eden scribbled it out, quickly, and bit her lip.
Right. It was right. She siiiighed and wished she could UN-scratch out the scratch..but instead she just...wrote the word 'right' next to the scratch out. Good going, McGee. Picking up her wand, she tried to copy Professor Romanos--doing the flicky motion--and sighed as she caught the incantation. It was...weird. Armanto. ARRRR. Like a pirate. MOONNN like YAAA MON and TOE...like a big fat TOE.
Got it.
Eden cleared her throat. "Aarrrrrrrrmanto!" she said dramatically, putting her wand down while she practiced. She didn't need to..eh, mess anything up. AHEM. "Ar-mon-toe---" she said, and again and again until she felt better about the weird word. She didn't know why she found THIS word so weird. Hmm. Now for the wand motion--but THAT was fairly easy.
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |