♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Ah, so the wand movement was similar to a 7. Seemed pretty easy to Lux, so there wasn't a great chance that she would end up forgetting the spell at any point. She tended to have a good memory with spells due to working hard to practice and memorize things, but the shield spells weren't ones that she really used outside of class. Duelling just wasn't really her thing and there weren't many other places where she felt they were needed.
Fiddling with her wand, Lux was tempted to slash it about but knew it was always best to practice the incantation first and get used to it. "Ar-MON-toe." Not too hard when she said the word slowly and focused on the pronunciation. "Ar-MON-toe... Ar-MON-toe... Ar-MON-toe... Armanto."
Pleased with herself, she drew some 7s in the air in quick succession while making sure to keep the downwards flick totally straight. Easy peasey lemon squeezey. |