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Old 11-29-2014, 11:51 PM   #32 (permalink)

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So, all this happened.......
Originally Posted by The Fairy Tale Book of Fairy Tales View Post
The book was fuming now. It was still not being read by anyone. This was not okay. It was beyond being disgruntled now it was getting angry. Didn’t the humans get it? Wriggling on top of the table it started to flip its pages again. Stopping on another story it let out an airy giggle as it sent out a dozen magical carpets to attack the stupid humans.

Zooming fast close to the floor a carpet swept up a boy in a black and yellow school uniform off his feet (FearlessLeader19) and taking him on a ride upside down around the ceiling. Another carpet attacked a dark skinned boy
(HarryPotterQuidditch) that had just arrived to the section giving him a slap over the head before it knocked him over.

A third carpet sneaked up by behind two boys one in red robes (DuckyLinJi) shouting something about spells and another in blue robes (Govoni) that was joining in the spell guessing. Engulfing the two in a hug the carpet literally lifted them up into the air and within seconds they were dangling with their feet's in mid air over the big table.

The remaining carpets kept flying seeking targets to attack.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
"I dunno about freezing the book,'' Adi shouted back to Gabe as he directed his attention between Gabe and the pixies. "But I think Professor Botros has a plan to do something concerning runes."

What, what, WHAT? O_O

One moment he was being attacked by a vicious pixie and fighting it of while having a quick conversation with Gabe and the next moment Adi found himself UP IN THE AIR. UPSIDE DOWN, TOO! O__O

What the...where had this carpet suddenly appear from?

Aladdin and his magic carpet briefly flashed in his mind. "How fitting,'' he had time to think to himself before clutching at the carpet again. Oh gosh! If the carpet decided to set him right side up, this Hufflepuff would have his head smashed into the ceiling for sure.

Ahhhhh! How was he going to get down from this thing? He had a second or two to notice Gabe and Kevin being dangled in mid air before he squeezed his eyes shut for fear of being sent smack into a wall. It was attack of the rogue carpets!
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
Okay so it was caught or not by the runes keeping it to the table. And people kept talking about what to do with both the pixies and the book as it was caught for the moment but not likely to remain that way. Couldn't the uneffected staff have some experience in the matter and think of something. "Maybe we need Professor Romanos," he suggested. Surely the DADA professor had the type of knowledge that might assist. The book could be dark after all.

But it seemed not to have to be moving to do harm. First the pixies that were quickly being immobulized by himself and other students. But that was only the first salvo and before Benny could notice that the pages had flipped around even more to another part of the book, there were more items appearing. These were far bigger than pixies yet as things progressed were just as troublesome.

Flying carpets!

And one had snagged Adi up to hang by the ceiling!

Benny's wand had already been out for the pixies but he had to help his best friend. Or any of the captives for that matter. But how without causing them to fall and risk getting seriously hurt? "Immobulus!" he finally cast at the flying carpet holding Adi feeling at least it would stop moving so he could work on getting the Hufflepuff down.
Originally Posted by StarShine View Post
Text Cut: You lot

Cosgrach was ready to read it...

He SHRIEKED and SHRIEKED as pixies tried to MURDER him. He couldn't even fight back, didn't even KNOW which spell to cast, how to do it... all he could do was to yell "GET'EM OFF MEEEEEEE!" while trying to protect his face. These things were BRUTAL too, and it took all his will not to go hysterics. People were immobilising them, though, and he OWED them his LIFE. Finally, after a short while that felt life-long, the pixies were off him. He just collapsed to th ground, still holding his face, and panted.

"Why don't we just BURN it!?" he asked in response to Cassie and Leo. THAT was how he felt! Finally, he removed his hands from his face. It was thankfully undamaged, but his hands needed a healing potion...


Drawing his wand, he yelled "DIFFINDO!" to save Gabriel and Kevin and "Aresto Momentum!" at Adi in case he fell.

"Howdoweevenstopthese?!" he yelled again. Yes, he was still on the ground, because these things were FLYING and he wanted to make himself as small as possible.

Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Angel was upset when Adi went up in the air. "HEY LEAVE MY BRO ALONE!!!! Angel shouted at the stuff... she was really annoyed with the stuff and she hoped that everything would be cool and Adi wouldn't be heart at all. "Immobulus!" Angel aimed her wand and hoped that everything would be okay. "Immobulus!" Angel wanted Adi back now.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

Oh wait. It was just moving to the table and....


Not wanting to deal AT ALL with the pixies that were zooming out of the book - creatures were not his thing - the astronomer dove off to the side and attempted to army crawl around one of the shelves to hide gain some better perspective on the situation.

Overhearing Mr. Hirase shout out something about a spell and then Professor Botros saying something about runes and ---- HOLY BLAZING COMETS! Face planting into the floor as one of the carpets went zooming over his head, the astronomer heard a soft crack as cartilage combined with the floor. Eyes watering - because that did tend to happen when one smacked their nose against something hard like that - he pushed himself up off the ground and rubbed his nose several times before trying to make his way back towards the center of all the chaos.

On second crawling seemed like a MUCH better idea.

Back on the floor again with his wand clutched in one hand, Airey wiggled his way back, shooting off stunning spells towards flying carpets when he had a clear enough shot.


"I don't suppose anyone has been able to try and cast Colloportus or something of that nature on the book?!" he shouted while rolling to the side and slamming into one of the bookshelves to avoid one of the on coming carpets. Had anyone cast any spells or enchantments at it, save for this runic...whatever it was...that Professor Botros had set up?

Maybe he could ATTEMPT if he could crawl a little closer....

Also...Cosgrach? Ears still ringing over here from that shriek. Sweet solstice.
Originally Posted by hpluvr037 View Post
With the uninvited arrival of the pixies, Tiara had been momentarily stunned. Sure, pixies had shown up in Ravenclaw Tower earlier in the term, but they weren't attacking anyone like this. She rushed over to her colleague. "Culloden, keep it together, we need you." She was being stern, but not unkind. "We can't just burn it, Cosgrach." She was scandalized at the very thought of such wanton destruction of literature, but mostly she didn't want to think of the repercussions the book would throw out. Flaming things, no doubt.

But then she saw what he was doing: there was another attack by that infernal book. She shot a Cushioning Charm underneath Adi. Just in case.

"Good idea, Flamsteed!" she shouted across the room. "Colloportus, whoever is nearest!" She pointed her wand and let one loose herself, but it ricocheted harmlessly off of a chair in between. "I don't have a clear shot. Cosgrach, I'm going nearer. Handle yourself!" Taking a page out of Airey's book, she crawled across the room toward the madness.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
Alexa had only been aware of the sudden enchanting feel of the book and might have continued on that path until all the chaos erupted, snapping her back to her senses in time to see pixies flying, spells casting, Collarbin shrieking like he'd seen Felix again, some carpets and....and Merlin this WAS a mad house wasn't it?

Remember how amused she'd been earlier back in the library? Yeah....that was happening again and despite what some might have considered a serious situation, the Gryffindor was CRACKING UP.

As in....Airey was CRAWLING on the floor, Collarbin was shrieking like Circe knows what and there were pixies floating around. It was like a circus only she might have been the only one hardly concerned. Yes, this might prove a tad bit problematic seeing as it prevented her from raising her own wand to offer help but hahahaha it was hilarious. "I agree with Professor Culloden. Let's burn the thing and be done with it." Sorry Airey, the Gryffindor hadn't set anything on fire in the longest while. It was long overdue.

She watched the Arithmancy Professor propose colloportus, nicking the idea from Professor Airey but couldn't help think it'd everything else. This was the most ironic fairytale book she'd ever seen, considering all the chaos it was causing. "So much for 'everyone living happily ever after'." She commented lightly, leaning against one of the safer bookshelves that didn't snarl or shriek at her.

"Brilliant." This book was gold. On second thought, let's not burn it. Could she keep it? For later?
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
Gabriel's idea of sealing the book up was good but... how were they supposed to do that? But before he could think of anything he saw that the book on the table was flipping its pages again and a second later he felt himself being wrapped in a carpet together with the Ravenclaw. He shrieked and accidentally dropped his wand and as he was lifted up in to the air, he dangled upside down above the table. He wriggled and as he did so he saw that Culloden was pointing his wand at them. WHATWASHEDOING?! Oh wait, he was using diffindo on the carpet to set them free. How thoughtful was that?! the only problem was.... Exactly. Being in midair , Kevin shrieked again as he fell but didn't hurt himself as he landed.

The moment he was back on the ground, he dropped down on his knees and crawled under the table where he had seen his wand roll under. He NEEDED his wand right?
Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post

Aw flying carpets! Botros, unlike pretty much everyone else, was beaming and grinning foolishly at them. "Back when I was a boy," He called out over the shouting and spell-casting. A short story as they battled a magical book was not harmful. "My father took me and my sibling carpet riding in Egypt! It was brilliant." Oh hohoho, he chuckled at the memory, and ducked when one of those swooping things went at him. Flying on a flying carpet was one thing, getting hit by one was another.

So now. Back to reality. Did Culloden just suggest burning the book or were his ears decieving him? He definitely heard Flamsteed give a better option, and Tanner was crawling towards the book. Okay, good, his much younger colleagues were handling things well.

As for him, he took cover behind one of the bookshelves and leaned sideways to help with the spells from where he stood slightly far from the scene. "Colloportus!"
Originally Posted by Govoni View Post




Gabriel went completely WIDE-EYED as the pixies were replaced with flying carpets. He had NOT been prepared for this sort of attack; being immediately swept up by one of the carpets.....arms forced around the Gryffindor known as 'Kevin'.

Insert PANIC ATTACK here.

He couldn't breathe...and the carpet had rendered his wand and wand hand useless. What was personal space?! There wasn't any......and yea, he still couldn't breathe...and it was hard to think in that moment with no oxygen traveling to his brain. There was only blank staring at he was starting to shut down....

...but then he was hurtling towards the floor....landing in a heap next to the table and Professor Botros........It took several moments to get his bearings, as Gabe attempted to recover from the panic attack still in progress.....Breathing. Deep breathing. Head bent between his knees.



....AND....they didn't know what they were up against....They couldn't just burn it....What if burning the book released whatever dark magic it had...? What if this book was....possessed?!....But Gabe was too shook up to offer that insight. Professor Botros was sealing it, anyway. Sealing it was the safest option....until it could be...properly experts....

Flying carpets, trapped students, shrieking professors, crawling professors and laughing Head Girls, oh my!
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