Thread: City Park
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Old 11-23-2014, 12:16 AM   #201 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hazel Martin-Pryce
First Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Scout MacIntyre
Daily Prophet Reporter
Granddaddy Ravenclaw | | Jermione Granger

Originally Posted by JustAlice View Post
So he hadn’t been there long either? “I didn’t start till fourth year. I was homeschooled before that. Never even played Quidditch.” Not that any of that was particularly interesting, but it filled a nice silence. “And it wasn’t exactly an environment conducive to learning. Lots of weird stuff going on.” Though she probably shouldn’t mention that... if his sister was there. “I hear it’s better now though, I bet she enjoys it.” Derry had met some amazing people, so she was glad she’d been, despite the insanity.




Not a fan of quidditch then..? Oh. Maybe... “I guess it sounds impressive. But I spend all my time in practices and I don’t get to eat as much chocolate as I’d like.” It just wasn’t part of the quidditch diet. “Don’t get much time to do much else. It’s worth it though.” Even if she didn’t have the time to meet people much, except... well... she didn’t talk about that. It was a nice little secret she had and she wasn’t going to let it out. Especially not on a date.

“A tea would be great actually.” It filled silences, sipping, and it was better than coffee. Coffee could send her completely loopy if she wasn’t careful, too much caffeine, and that really wouldn’t help right now.
Emrys grinned almost instinctively. "I was homeschooled, too," he said, relieved to find some common ground, which was helping him feel less awkward. "I enrolled for fifth year, but this really crazy thing happened with orbs and freezing time, and I didn't go back for sixth." It had seemed the right decision at the time, but he wondered if things might have been different if he'd stuck it out. Like being able to hold an actual conversation. But he was absolutely in agreement about it not being an environment conducive to learning. "Amelia doesn't seem to mind it nearly as much as I did," he said, laughing lightly. "She's happy to be there, I think. No matter how 'ridiculous' things are." He made little air quotes around the word ridiculous. It was... perhaps his sister's favorite word. "She's a sixth year and I think she's starting to realize she doesn't have a lot of time left there."

Walking up to the cart, he ordered two teas, turning to look at her, his eyebrows drawn together in a bit of confusion at her 'I guess' statement. "Playing professionally certainly sounds like an accomplishment to me," he offered as he dug the coins out of his pocket to pay for their drinks. "I... admittedly don't know a whole lot about it." It was enjoyable enough to watch now that he'd gotten over his being afraid that every single person on a broom was going to suffer some tragic sports accident, but without it having been part of his upbringing, he didn't think he'd ever 'get' it on a level any deeper than an intellectual surface understanding. "Is that why the matchmaker? No time to meet anyone?"

Taking their teas from the cart, he handed one to her carefully. Spilling a tea at this juncture would be a complete disaster, and the nerves from that worry had his hand shaking just slightly.

Has anyone ever sung you a lullaby?
You can fly above the rain clouds
Close your eyes
Let the melody carry you
Leave all your fears behind

You can float across a rainbow sky
to once upon a time
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