Post #5; Team TNT urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse Compared to the first time he had to draw the Nauthiz rune, Grayson was finding it much easier to draw this one. Maybe it had a little something to do with the fact that he was starting to get more used to the weight of the large brush resting on his shoulder. OR, he was getting more used to guiding the brush around to draw the rune in place.
The bottom line was: he was getting goooOOOOooood! Just saying.
A lot of concentration was being paid to the rune drawing. It just had to turn out perfect, mkay? This meant that, like last time, he had to move around a bit with the giant brush -- this brush was freaking humungous! -- and try to walk at an angle so that he could draw the diagonal line correctly. He just hoped that nobody was standing behind him and was likely to bump into him. It didn't sound like his idea of fun.
But FINALLY, at long last, the rune had been drawn on, making Grayson smile as he stepped back and away from the rune. And what made him smile MORE were the comments from their Captain. Jeez, people really were trying to warm up the icy stone that was his heart, weren't they? "Thanks a bunch, Toby!" Considering the fact that he was a professional at drawing stick men, he was kinda proud of this piece of work. Uh huh! "It looks freaking brilliant! We make an awesome team." Serious nods.
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