June 30th 1977
“Welcome home, boys,” Mrs Potter greeted, giving both of the boys a hug as they walked in. “I baked some yodels for you.”
“What’s a yodel?” Sirius asked, frowning.
“Oh dear, it’s a sweet biscuit. My secret recipe, though, so don’t even think about getting the recipe,” she said, smiling.
“Oh wicked. You’re the best cook!”
She blushed.
“Mmm yodels are FANTASTIC!” Sirius said, approvingly.
“Well don’t eat them all, mate, they’re for everyone!” James said.
“I’m not hogging.”
“You just shoved seven into your mouth!” James yelled, jokingly.
“Well they’re good,” Sirius replied, his mouth bursing full of yodels.