That's Rough Buddy | Be the Flower | Moon & Stars
Beverly knew about tracking charms and all that junk for personal reasons. It made her ground her teeth a bit, but at the mention of Law Enforcement she she sagged her shoulders a little. It caused her to think of Kennedy and she had a sudden urge to hug him. She pushed that nostalgic feeling away and focused back on her the lesson. She'd get to hug her big brother come summer.
The tracking charm had her full attention. This was cool, how the runes connected and worked together. Amazing.
Taking a few notes down, she raised her hand. "A circle may help transmit rune energy more efficiently since it doesn't have a certain weak spot, making it stronger?" That was her theory, anyway. As for Raidho and Isa, she added, "Bounded together like that, Raidho and Isa may offer steadiness in tracking. Like...helping the other runes stay on track."
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