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Old 11-15-2014, 10:26 AM   #58 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mona Deandra Hellmann
First Year
x5 x6
¼ of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pls

Text Cut: HI
Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
EMBER had arrived. Well. She had really been here for WHILE buuuuuut you know--she had hit up those FOUNTAINS OF GOODNESS over there and she just...ugh. She had tried her best not to get chocolate on everything.

She kind of succeeded.

All of the politics going on was weird. And somewhat dull. Ember thought that politics were kind of DUMB. Whoever was minister of magic would, of course, be good for the job since ALL of the candidates seemed qualified. Ember didn't even know who was running. Were a lot of people running? She didn't know. She would have to check out the buffet, though.

MERLIN THERE WASN'T ANY MUSIC. Ember wouldn't be voting for ANY of these people who didn't sing. or dance. LIKE COME ON. SHOW SOME ENTERTAINMENT. She scooted her way over to the buffet and flipped her blueish hair over her shoulder. SO. MUCH. FOOD. She hadn't had ANY coffee before THIS event-so luckily Ember wasn't super hyper. But she DID want to dance. She always wanted to dance. And meditate. Or both at the SAAAAME time. Hmmph. Filling her plate with various food items, she tap-danced her way over to the seating area to listen to these 'political' folk rant and rant.

She couldn't even pretend she believed in government as an institution anyways. At least not one with one leader. But that was what having an entire ministry was for, right? So that one dude didn't go power hungry? Hmmph. Ember still was quiiiiiite unsure of it, but at least now they could vote for someone. That was a step up.

Before she thought TOO much about politics, though, she plopped down into an empty seat and dug in. SO. MANY. PEOPLE. She would of course clap for anyone who chose to talk. They all deserved SOOOO many hugs for having the courage to get up there, talk, and RUN in general.

Speaking of running, she was really proud of herself for not tripping in these heels. Sometimes she got so excited she pulled a baby!bambi and would stumble all over the place...


Joćo was there, and had listened to all the candidates. He had been lost in thought as he sat somewhere, watching everyone. He was contemplating life, one could say, but he snapped out of it at last. He had to meet people and prepare for future elections, although the thought made him snicker. So he got up, looked around, and spotted a lady looking lost. He made his way to her and put on his most charming smile.

"Hello, Miss," he greeted her, "may I sit here?" So that they weren't alone?

Text Cut: Victoria
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
She hadn't blushed all evening, but her husband soon had her cheeks warm. "Oh Cossy, stop you don't know that yet, but I am glad you are here. You don't know how much that means to me." She smiled lovingly towards him. He was so supportive of this and she couldn't be more in love then that very moment.
Looking back to her husband she gave a little bit of a worried look, "Do you really think my speech was good? Maybe I should have said more. " She certainly thought her's was better then some, but maybe not good enough. No she wasn't going to second guess herself. She knew why she was running and she wasn't going to let things like speeches get in her way of that. "Are you hungry, the food looks really good." Though she wasn't feeling like eating anymore.

Cosgrach smiled at her. He would have said something, but another candidate was on the podium, and he wanted to hear all of them, so he kept silent...

And looked back at her once both of the candidates were done.

"I think your speech was brilliant," he said, "But there two chaps touched on more topics." Hmm. "I don't think Sherman Clark would pose too much of a threat," he looked old enough to die any instant, and Hogwarts had had too many issues to leave it be, "but this Kingsley... you should focus on him." He had some nice ideas, Cosgrach had to admit. "We need brochures that explain your ideas briefly but effectively." She also had to talk to people more. How many friends did she have, exactly?

But it was FOOD time, and he could never say no to that.

"My weak side," he said simply and grinned. He would have gone for food, but Mariel and Simon were still with them, and he wanted to converse with them more. Victoria excused herself soon to somewhere anyway. He watched briefly, then turned to Mariel and Simon.

Text Cut: Mariel and Simon
Originally Posted by emjay View Post
And she was very pleased that the woman's husband was also there for support, knowing that it could have been difficult for him to get away from the school. "Regina's doing wonderfully," she said, smiling brighter. "Thank you for asking.. it was a bit difficult to leave her though." It was the first time she was gone for any length of time from her newborn baby and she was starting to feel an urge to get back to her.

Feeling almost as if she was intruding on husband and wife time as the couple discussed getting something to eat, green eyes fell on Simon Bennett as he stood nearby. "Are you a Victoria Culloden supporter or still leaving your options open?" she asked him curiously. He did agree with her earlier sentiments so perhaps he leaned that way, though there were others speaking as well which she vaguely tried to listen to before she would take her leave.
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
However before he made his move, Mariel spoke up in polite question, the inquiry directed at him. "Well I had narrowed it down to a few including Victoria, but its getting stronger towards her." Might as well be truthful. " One former coworker failed and the other...well still on the fence about."

He nodded at Mariel and smiled. "I bought a little gift, but I haven't had the time to give it," he said somewhat apologetically. It was final time at school, so he was busy. Mariel would understand, right?

Oh, Simon supported Victoria. Good to know. They stood at 4 votes already.

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