Forest Troll
Join Date: Aug 2011 Location: Ohio
Posts: 27,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kirsten Delbin Hufflepuff Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Mateo Theodore Slytherin Fifth Year
x11 x9
| Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... SPOILER!!: Mariel Quote:
Originally Posted by emjay One hour. Mariel told herself she could do this for one hour and she walked into the Leaky Cauldron putting on an air of confidence, her hand on her husband's arm. Though she looked as confident as she ever was, she was nervous about leaving her newborn baby even for that amount of time and even if it was with her sister. It wasn't that she didn't trust her or think that she couldn't take care of her, it was just that this was the first time that she left Regina at all. But she wanted to be her to support her best friend's bid for Ministerial candidacy and to spend a little time out with her husband, though he would be working.
Walking through the establishment, she smiled at Jorge as he looked back at her. "I know she is," she replied to his reassurance. "It's just.. the first time.. and I'm going to be thinking about it the whole time," she added with a light chuckle. Would she really be ok though? What if she cried the whole time because she knew her momma and daddy were gone? Regina was so young, most parents didn't leave their babies at that age yet, did they? She bit her lip thinking about it then looked over to the area Jorge was referring. Mixology thing..? "It'd be alright to have a glass of wine, wouldn't it?" Just one and it wouldn't affect anything, she didn't think.
As they headed over there, Mariel slowed her steps hearing a magnified voice and she turned her head in that direction. Smiling, she listened a moment, squeezing Jorge's arm. "Listen.. it's Victoria." She as really proud of her and clapped for her as she ended, then walked over to where the drinks were. So they had to make their own drinks? Mariel grimaced slightly. "Certainly we can afford a bartender.." she mentioned lightly, glancing at the bottles. Sounded like one of those things that was really a way of being cheap but slap a cute name on it to disguise it as "fun."
Jorge smiled at his wife, “I know you will, but try to have a good time. We haven’t been out in three weeks. We needed the little break.” Not that he was hurrying to get away from his daughter, but they had tension between each other recently that needed to fade and what better way than a night out. Though he was working, which he probably should be doing more of, but his eyes weren’t leaving his wife easily. “You look gorgeous tonight.” That dress complimented her perfectly. Glancing at her again before looking to the drinks. “Yes, a glass of wine would be fine.” He wanted her to have fun and a drink wouldn’t do any damage at least that’s what the books had said. Moving closer to the area he poured her some wine, but looked at the mixes for himself.
Stopping and listening he grinned towards his wife, “It is. She sounded like she was very prepared.” Which was good, because by the way the article in the prophet read she had some tough competition. “If you want to head that way to see her we could.” Though more people were coming in, could they be candidates that he needed to mingle with?
Eyes back to the drinks he nodded, “You would think.” He picked up a few things to mix. SPOILER!!: Roxanne Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty She was here, for better or worse. And seeing the names and experience of some of her fellow candidates, it was for the better. Honestly, who thought that they were ready to be Minister after only a few years in the Ministry and no Department Head experience? Or when they could possibly die while in office? Or when they had been out of the game for a long time?
Anyway, Roxanne took a sweeping look around and decided to head to the bar. Which was blissfully not as pretentious as things normally were at Ministry events these days. In fact, nothing here was. It was a refreshing change that she attributed to this technically not being a Ministry event.
Grabbing a glass, she quickly mixed herself a rum and Coke before looking around for someone to talk to.
Seeing a woman step up he took notice. Not really knowing exactly who faces to names, he assumed he’d small talk to everyone until he got what he needed. There should have been an official greeting or something to put names with faces. “Rum, interesting choice. Relaxing some nerves?” Honest question, usually women picked the wine or tried to make the fruiter drinks. SPOILER!!: Becca and Company Quote:
Originally Posted by Becky "Alexa probably would have knocked your head off if you left the house in anything BUT a suit." She smirked right back at him. "And if she didn't, I would have." Mhmmmm. Warren knew better than to mess with her when it was important.
"Well done." See? That hadn't been so hard. Becca offered her cheek to Warren when he kissed it and smirked again. Oh, he was such a show off when he wanted to be. "Well, both would be good, but if neither is really an option, I'll settle for not making me look bad." That would be good. Warren really did have issues with talking to people sometimes, but she knew he would tell her straight if she was doing something wrong, and that was what she needed. She didn't have him there for his bubbly personality after all.
Her attention was caught by her lovely, late husband. "Late? Warren got here before you did. Late is an understatement." See? Warren, 1. Gid, 0. She picked up the... substance Warren had been drinking before she handed him the glass and passed that to Gid. "How was your day, dear?" Yeeeep. He was in trouble.
Seeing more people come in he nodded at them as he sipped his drink. Yes he was pretty much going to stand by the drinks and get the stories as they came to him. It was the perfect set up standing where the drink were. People would be coming there all evening. “Good Evening.” He greeted the group, wondering if he should pull his parchment out, though there was not much to write about yet. Pulling it out anyway he jotted a few things Victoria had said down. He might talk to her later. SPOILER!!: Louisa, Penelope, Athena, Jamie Quote:
Originally Posted by DinosaursOnASpaceship He was getting nervous. Like really nervous. Jamie hadn't prepared, he didn't know what he was going to say. He just had to relax but as he looked around he saw a lot of wealthy looking people that he didn't know how to socialize with them, he wasn't one of them. Then again maybe he was just used to the muggle American aspect of government. The more money the more voters and backers you get. He didn't know that much about America anything. He had moved from America at a rather young age. He wasn't too young but he remembered enough and he sometimes had heard his parents speaking about the muggle American government and it just made him wonder if the people here were like that. Jamie turned his head when he had heard his name and felt someones are around him. He relaxed more when he knew that it was Athena. "Hey." He was slightly on track right now. "I'm suppose to look all rich and important not cute." It was true but even he knew that it wasn't working for him. Jamie wasn't sure what he was looking at. Well he did know but he wasn't sure what was what or what would tasted good together. Parties like these were fun...with music but this was out of his element. He just needed get used to this types of parties since he wanted to run for Minister. Jamie was more into making a difference and that was what he stood for. Who cares what that stupid article had said besides silly string is the best but it wasn't the secret to his campaign. He honestly had no plan for his campaign he just wants to make a difference and not make a fuss about money or power because those things at the end of the day didn't matter. Money creates more problems when you don't put them something good like helping people in need. Jamie did his fair share of volunteering and still does. He wants to help people that want and need the help.
Jamie shrugged at the man. "I'm not really sure. I don't normally drink. I like water and tea." He chuckled nervously.
Seeing three skirts walk in Jorge just grinned and nodded, both were certainly too young to be running so just community members he decided. Though the one had hugged the man he had just spoke too and if his ears weren’t messing with him did he hear rich and important. Yes it seemed like this man was a winner to stand by for information. His focus went to the man. “Water and Tea. I’m more of a wine or Whiskey person.” Firewhiskey was something he did enjoy on occasion. “Jorge Cristo De La Garza, Daily Prophet. You might know my wife, Mariel De La Garza.” He put a hand out to gesture to the beautiful woman next to him. This could be the ice breaker he needed
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