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Old 11-03-2014, 06:25 PM   #29 (permalink)
Formerly: Rupert-Grint-Fan

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rowan Lewis
Third Year
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Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
The wait for the door to open and for someone to walk through wasn't a long one but it still made the usually calm Department Head somewhat nervous as he glanced in the direction of the door. That was, until...

Gingeraffe! "Gulping Gargoyles, Miss Ronnie, you made me think I was in trouble," he said, pulling open the drawer and taking out the dart pieces he had placed in there before, "Wasn't busy, so to--" His words stopped mid-sentence as he glanced over in the direction of the ginger. "You're not here to tell me off, are you?" He hadn't pegged her as the type, frankly.

Maybe he should be in trouble for rattling on about this, that and the other instead of concentrating on something more important: cookies! "Don't mind if I help myself to one of these," he said, reaching over to grab one, "Did you make them?" And did she know how much he liked desserts? Best part of any meal, by far. "It's good to hear that you're better again. I almost thought I'd have to send an owl to see if someone had stolen you away from me." He was joking. Lamely. It was a joke.

"Please take a seat and tell me all about the horrors of daytime television and the joy of being back in your favourite department." And keep the mucus stories to yourself, please.
Ronnie laughed. "Oh no worries, you're in no trouble at all. I'm sorry to have scared you to think that though!" she told him as she entered, seeing him take out some darts from his drawer. Ohh. Perhaps that had been why he was taking so long to let her in? Heh heh. She then laughed again, waving her hand. "No no, not at all." she answered him with a smile as she took a seat in the chair. Ahh, she really did like the chairs in his office. Quite cozy they were.

Smiling as he took one of the cookies, she nodded. "I did indeed," she replied, laughing about what he said about sending an owl. Aww. "Well, it wasn't all that lovely back home...I slept a lot. And I was cranky. My brother took care of me and I feel really sorry for the poor guy. But I got better pretty quickly, and it's really good to be back, I did miss everyone!" she explained. "And I heard we have a new member in our department, correct?" She still hadn't met them yet!
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