SPOILER!!: *snorts* What are these NEWTs of which you speak?
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How about them NEWTs, Lex?
Anyway, apparition to muggles might just make them think about ghosts, so no real harm done. And she didn't think anyone was truly listening since they were pretty much on a higher ground.
It was fun, you know? This. She never got that anti-gravity spell from Airey and she might just ask him before leaving Hogwarts, because she could climb trees this way. She'll try not to let the spell hit Marshmallow, though, her cat might not enjoy the feeling of not being pulled down to Earth. The thought made her realize she hadn't tried to climb with Marshmallow, and that was something she needed to do ASAP, she couldn't have a cat that wasn't fond of climbing. Hopefully not. But if the cat was scared of actual marshmallows fighting back, then who's to say trees wouldn't cause a similar reaction, hmmmm???
Made it! Lotus looked up, entirely distracted by the previous thought and just reaching the top. "You won!" The Gryffindor had Lottie's distractions to blame for that. "It'd be easier, you'll see." It was easier to go down than up, mainly because they were already used to the weightless feeling.
And that proved to be true as Lottie reached down on the yellow tubes and stood back on the floor soon enough. It was... difficult to stand, to say the least, but she nodded once she was fine and ready to go for some adrenaline-filled activity. "Yup, ready! Come on!" she said, pulling Lex along.
One at a time, though. "You can go first, you won the race." Wink.
Funny enough, in all her plans of an early graduation, it never occurred to Lex that once the year was over there were still NEWTs before she would properly be free, so nope, no thoughts of exam, just the freedom that came after. Freedom kinda like this right now from this spot looking down at everything else. It was almost like flying her broom again, something she hadn't done in ages thanks to some idiot no one could find anyway.
Oh and she'd won? Neat! Might have meant more if she'd noticed but a win was a win and Lex had copied Lottie's movements in order to get herself down in a timely fashion. Still plenty to do before they had to leave.
Alexa let herself be pulled over to the orb that spun in all directions while her body readjusted to the fact it now had to carry her weight again. This weird feeling wouldn't last, yeah?
Heeeeyyy she could go first. No arguments here. There was a grin for Lottie before she allowed the person manning this post to get her settled and strapped in. Right before the machine started she gave Lottie two thumbs up. Soooooooooooo ready for this. It had looked plenty epic when they were high up. No chance she'd be disappointed. None.
The spinning was slow at first, possibly to get her ready but then all of a sudden the movements became sharp, twisting her this way, shifting her that way until everything was moving so quickly that the most she could see where blurs of everything around her. Which way was up? Had she turned the other way now?? AH-MAAAA-ZIIIING!!!
By the time they finally ended the 'ride' of sorts and helped her out, she couldn't be sure what she was looking at but there was a wide grin plastered across her face.
"That was so unbelievably epic, you gotta try, like now, gooo." Good advice right there while she ensured whatever she had before coming here didn't decide to make a sudden emergency exit. Throwing up wasn't an option. Ever. Just give her a minute.