Originally Posted by
After tossing her cookies all over the bushes in the parking lot, Goldilocks was feeling ever so dismayed. She didn't like the portkey business and would rather be eaten by a bear than do it again. And she thought they were hard to handle! These people were worse and she wasted no time slipping away from the man in charge and the freckle faced boy as soon as possible. She was fine on her own, thank you.
Now what to do first.
Twirling a lock of hair around her finger, Goldilocks did a little twirl and surveyed her options. So much to see and not a threat in sight! Maybe it was turning out to be her day after all.
Spotting the cafe, she brightened up considerably. Surely she should fill her tummy now that she'd emptied it of the breakfast she'd had that morning. Did they have porridge here? HM? She skipped her way over and decided to find out for herself.
While he waited for Hady, Thornton saw Maddie skip into the cafe. He wrinkled his nose, thinking that she'd been acted rather oddly. And it looked like she was alone which was just no good at all, not at all.
He thought about going up to her, when Hady sat down. He'd... just keep one eye on her, instead.
Originally Posted by
SpiritWolfe Malfoy
After paying for her drink which only took a moment she glanced around. Her eyes landed on the table that Thornton had found for them both. Walking over she smiled at him friendly before setting down across from him. Maybe she should explain a little about her 'family'?
He hadn't asked her about it which she liked, you know him not prying into her business and all. It was sometimes rude when people just asked straight up though she understood it wasn't intended that way now that she was older. Twisting the cap off her ginger ale bottle she took a small sip before placing the bottle on the table.
"My parents were killed in an auto accident when I was still little. My parents now are actually very close friends with my birth parents so it's like I'm with family still." Hady tried to explain a little bit without giving him the entire story which she was sure he didn't want to hear. Not that she'd tell him everything just now anyways. Not wanting him to feel badly like most people do she offered him another smile adding quietly. "I don't remember them all that much so you know it's okay and all."
Sipping his ginger ale, Thornton was feeling much more settled.
"Oh." He said, frowning, as she told him about the auto accident.
"I'm really sorry to hear that."
He ripped a piece of cake off and chewed it thoughtfully.
"It's good that someone who knew them could take you in, though." He wasn't sure what else to say, and so just put more cake in his mouth and chewed it slowly.
If he was chewing, he couldn't be talking, you see.
Swallowing, he tried to change the topic.
"After we eat, where should we go?"