Oh merlin >__< Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite His eyes darted around the room even as he waited on a response. The breakroom--flowers--bright--what even was this???? The more he stared was the worse it seemed to get until the man gave an involuntary swear in french in a little more than a whisper. The shock was evident and perhaps something else. Confusion maybe? Like who was this woman and why had she suddenly decided to target Level 1? A terrorist attack maybe. Wasn't Emily meant to deal with this sort so he wouldn't have to????
His gaze fell on her again as she began talking about energy radiating and the like. She sounded exactly like the Healer's he'd only just gotten rid of and without a doubt it sent his anxiety through the roof. They might have missed one and she was now here asking for HUGS.
Gavin's breathing became strained as he tried to reason this all out. Stranger on his level, redecorating and sounding like Harmony to boot. On second thought this one might have come from Creatures too; bunch of whack jobs. "Non." His answer was tight as he tried to remember that deep breathing thing. "No hugs." Breeeeathe. Put your hands down and step AWAY woman. BREEATHE. "Just fix this place up then come with me." Still somehow getting air into his lungs he looked about the room again. No really, get rid of this stuff before someone saw and decided it had to stay.
__________________ Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________ 
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said. |