Muggle Studies Homework 1- Post 4 ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi was now fidgeting with the mouse as he adjusted the necessary requirements after choosing the option of printing the negatives: 300 ppi for resolution and JPEG for digital file.
Oh, Ian was leaving? Okay then. It didn't really make much of a difference to Adi. "Laterz, Ian,'' he responded, still looking at the computer monitor. What now? He looked back at his book. "Complete the scanning process from your computer, clicking 'scan' on the menu, which will create a digital image saved onto the computer that you can elect to print out as a hard copy.''
The Puffer moved the mouse so the cursor hit the scan option. When they were done scanning, he checked through the pictures. Great! They were all scanned perfectly. Soon his photos were being made into hard copies.