HOLISTIC ACTRESS {X O} EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED Kyle didn’t mean to take so long to get to work – and especially to see the notice to head to the division head’s office. Okay so she had purposefully taken a longer time to get to the division head’s office. She wanted to look presentable and not like she had walked under a bucket of water or well, not have her brother’s lovely idea of finger painting all over her clothing. Why hadn’t Lena taken care of them today? Right, because she was being annoying and visiting her boyfriend.
Thank god for cousins, without them she would have looked like a mess a mess that looked as if she had a kid when she didn’t…luckily.
She walked up to the door, clasped her knuckles and thought about knocking but didn’t. Breathe girl. She thought and stood there not wobbling in her recently stabilized shoes. One. Two. YOU HAVE TO KNOCK KYLE...she winced and knocked on the door finally. One tiny, very miss-able knock.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |