A Poop * k8 * Ember WAS calm. She WAS. She took the blanket, ready to assist Harmony in ANY way possible. But then--suddenly--ALL OF THE OTHER MUTANTS WERE SCREAMING. Ember suddenly DROPPED the blanket and put her hands over her ears---MERLIN. Her ears were EXPLODING. Her heart rate had increased by TENFOLD--MERLIN MERLIN MERLIN. She was dying. Trying not to PANIC at all. She needed to be here with Harmony to make sure everything was okay!
She reached over to pick up her wand and quickly waved her wand. "SILENCIO!" she cried, trying to silence it all so that they could THINK straight--Ember was trying to remember training from Uni--the KEY was to stay calm, but it was hard when that pink SLIME dripped from the mouth of Mutant X----IT WAS GOING THROUGH THE FLOOR. Ember's eyes were REALLY wide now--MERLIN!
Without thinking, she cried, "EVANESCO!" she cried, hoping that the stuff emitting from the creature wasn't weird enough NOT to disappear--but this was BAD. Very BAD. Her hands were shaking and she shot a look in desperation at the other woman--"H-Harmony--" she reached over and picked up the blanket and eyed all of the flailing and frightened creatures--"What should we DO? We need backup--like now--" she said in a DEEPLY WORRIED AND CONCERNED WAY.
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |