Granddaddy Ravenclaw | | Jermione Granger Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow What in the name of Hippogriffs was that sound?!
The red head could hear the horrible shrieking all the way from her office and it shook her to her very core. She knew the sound of a creature in distress and this was that sound only magnified. Something was not right and her aura was all kinds of muddied blue, fear evident in her face as she walked as fast as she could down the hallway, hand over her heart. Surely she wasn't the only one stricken by the noise.
After letting herself in, the red head ran to the cage of mutant Z, all thoughts of keeping the poor creature quiet gone right out of her head. She wanted to know what was wrong and that was the only thing driving her. "What it is," she said softly, summoning protective gloves and goggles from nearby. "What's wrong?" Earmuffs needed to be summoned to as the shrieking was starting to make Harmony's head pound. She needed help in here. The ear-piercing wail had reached Emmalee all the way at the entrance to the greenhouses and she wondered, for a moment, if one of the junior botanists had been clumsy with the baby mandrakes.... again.
But seeing as she felt only annoyed and not ready to pass out, it was clearly not that. It didn't take long to determine that it had come from the creature side of the floor. Arms crossed in front of her, she walked briskly over to the room. Sure, she was concerned that something would make that sound, but she was more concerned about what the noise would do to her precious plants. "Don't you have silencing charms on these doors," she said abruptly, as she strode through the doorway.
Merlin's beard. What was that awful looking thing?
Has anyone ever sung you a lullaby?
You can fly above the rain clouds
Close your eyes Let the melody carry you
Leave all your fears behind You can float across a rainbow sky
to once upon a time |