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Old 10-19-2014, 02:05 AM   #179 (permalink)
formerly: PhoenixStar

Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 21,878
Default Still trying to make our tree grow here. (Catch up)
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus

SPOILER!!: helpful boyfraaaan
Could he practice on another plant? Adi was tempted to but was distracted by AJ's voice. Leaning forward once more, he eyed her across Benny. Aw. Her teeny plant wasn't growing. And just look at her, with her nose against the plant. Cute.

"Giving up already, AJ?'' Adi whispered to her. "Here. The master made his plant grow on the first try.'' He pointed to his grown up plant. Smirk. Go on, AJ. Take the bait again.

Adi was apparently having absolutely no problem getting his spells to work, while AJ was struggling. She was happy that he was doing so well, but it was frustrating that she always had to try things a million times before she got results.

"I NEVER give up." Of course he knew that. AJ snorted. "Oh master, please give me some guidance." Haha! "Herbivicus." Staaaaare. C'mon tree. You know you wanna get big and strong. "Herbivicus." More staring. It was growing. AJ turned and winked at Adi. "How was that, master?"
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