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He thought she had an interesting observation spot, but to each their own. Certainly didn't leave much room for company though, did it? "You're working on the statue?" It didn't quiet make sense to him, but only because he didn't see her stuff until she pointed it out.
"Yea." He picked up her things and offered them to her before sitting cross-legged in front of the statue, at an angle he could still see her. "I'm Paris. And that's Eeyore." He made a motion at the raven, who then flew down to perch on his knee. "Who are you?"
"Yeah, I'm drawing the statue." She nodded. Or at least she was going to try. There wasn't much room back there to do anything. She wasn't stuck, remember. but he did go ahead and hand her stuff. She smiled and him and took her things."Thank you."
Paris like the city? She bet he got that a lot. Just like she always got like the spice? She got that all of the time. "Mmmm Like the city? I'm Cinnamon." She watched as Eeyore landed on his knee. A pet raven now that was interesting. She realized that she was going to be able to see the front of the statue to see what to draw. Oppps she didn't think about that.
Well now she seemed to have another idea of a sketch. She went ahead and got to work on that new idea.