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Bianca had not answered that question yet. She was aware of that. She slipped her hand into his outstretched one with a smile. This hand holding thing? Bianca was good at. "It's going," Bianca said with a little smirk. She used her free hand to brush hair out of her face yet again because she had absolutely no idea what she was supposed to do on this date thing.
"That pick up line was not awesome," she replied with a grin. It was so lame she was pretty sure that even the Alpaca King of Lameness heard it and groaned. "People don't use pick up lines on me." Because Bianca was not very fond of most of them. They weren't funny in the least.
... He had a pick up line? What was he doing with his face? Bianca grinned as she watched his face do a weird thing. "If you ask me if it hurt when I fell from the sky, I will step on your foot." Bianca was definitely not a fan of that pick up line.
It's going? It's going?? Chance was slightly offended.. Not. He smirked. "Well this is my first ever date, so I can work on my skills." Being fourteen and never been on a date was sort of a rare thing, but you can't help that it takes a lot for him to find someone he really likes. As a matter offact, Beezey was only the second girl Chance had ever liked. I know. Appalling. "So bare with me on this dating stuff!" Chance said with a smile that made his eyes crinkle at the sides.
"Oh! Speaking of dating stuff.." Chance started and reached underneath his seat. "I got you something from Zonkos." Chance pulled out a prank that made your grow a beard like Santa Claus. "I figured your more adventurous than flowers, but just in case.." Reaches down again and pulls out flowers e bought from a side vendor.
"And the rest of the pick up line was.. Did it he then you fell from heaven, not the sky." Grins and winks.