Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin "This is so... frilly for a Ministry event. Do you even imagine the Minister sitting around eating tiny sandwiches and sipping tea with his pinky up?" Vivi was a little wobbly on her too-high-yet-stunning heels, but she still stomped around in the grass like she and Aspen owned the place. They basically did.
She dropped two balls onto the grass, a red one and a yellow one, and then she pointed at them with her mallet. Aspen got to choose her color. Those were the rules. "Okay, I can imagine him doing both those things, but still. We're government employees. We'd do better at a bowling alley with loads of free pizza." Mostly because Vivi actually owned a really embarrassing bowling shirt and she wanted to stuff herself with pizza.
"Play by the rules, or play by who can cause the most damage?" "That's a word for it," Aspen offered, along with a glance at Vi's dress. She was implying that Vi was clearly dressed for the occasion. Frilly. Girly. Garden-party-y. It hadn't escaped Aspen's notice that the two of them were distinctly contrasting in attire.
She gave her ball a little test hit. This wasn't Aspen's game. West would probably like it. "We could stalk him and find out what he eats, how he eats, when he eats," if Vi wanted. That actually sounded like a good idea. It'd keep Aspen busy and busy was good.
"Latter." Aspen reared back and whacked the living daylights out of her ball. |