Join Date: May 2009 Location: Western US
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| Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees  Margaret Ward
Department of Magical Accidents & Catastrophes Division One Senior Obliviator Name: Margaret Maple Ward (née Maybury) Nickname: Mary ; Mammy DoB: 4 July 2057 Patronus: Genet Wand: Sturdy 12 ½ Silver Lime with Augurey Feather core Boggart: Classified Amortentia: Classified Education and Work History 2068 – 74 :: Attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
2075 – 79 :: Attended Naples University of Magic
2077 – 80 :: Page at the Girolamini Library
2078 – 80 :: Memory Restoration Assistant Intern at Italian Ministry of Magic
2081 – 84 :: Junior Obliviator at Italian Ministry of Magic
2085 – 90 :: Division One Obliviator at British Ministry of Magic
2091 ::____Division One Senior Obliviator at British Ministry of Magic
▷ HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY ---Dueling Club Attendee ; Book Club Attendee ; Yearbook PhotographerHouse: Slytherin Excelled in: Charms, Divination, DADA, and Transfiguration Disliked: Ancient Runes, History of Magic, and Potions ▷ Hogwarts OWLs Year ∘ Ancient Runes [A]
∘ Care of Magical Creatures [E]
∘ Charms [O]
∘ DADA [O]
∘ Divination [E]
∘ Herbology [A]
∘ History of Magic [E]
∘ Muggle Studies [O]
∘ Potions [O]
∘ Transfiguration [E]
▷ Hogwarts NEWTs Year • Care of Magical Creatures [E]
• Charms [O]
• DADA [O]
• Divination [O]
• Herbology [E]
• History of Magic [O]
• Muggle Studies [O]
• Potions [O]
• Transfiguration [O] ▷ NAPLES UNIVERSITY OF MAGIC ---Memory Modification Assistant Intern Credits▷ Programs Studied ⁃ Obliviation & Memory Modification
⁃ Wizarding-Muggle Law & Legislation
⁃ Defense & Combat Appearance Hair Color: Dark Blonde Eye Color: Aquamarine Skin: Lightly Tanned Height: 5'8" Model: Samantha Gradoville
Margaret is five foot, eight inches tall with tousled dark blond hair that falls a few inches past her shoulders. She has piercing green eyes that may seem blue at times depending on the lighting. Her wardrobe is rather laid back, consisting mostly of simple shirts, form fitting pants, and comfortable shoes... even if the occasion calls for something a bit more elegant. Personality: Margaret is a rather laid back person. So much, in fact, it's a wonder that her patronus isn't a sloth. Even so, she isn't the most patient of people either and can become grumpy and irritable if things don't go her way. Then again, these aren't foreign traits to her any other time of day either, especially with early mornings. A bit of coffee should at least help with that. Despite the grumbling under her breath and her lack of motivation to really do anything that contributes to society, she is rather intelligent and adventurous. Though this really has only caused her to be extremely mischievous and tends to get not only herself, but others into trouble as well. Granted, she doesn't mean too much harm. Her competitive nature at least keeps her in check some of the time, always wanting to be on top. She isn't the most sentimental of people either, but she can fake it pretty well when she wants to. However, her loyalty to those she is close to knows no bounds; perhaps even warmhearted and loving some would say, in which she'd enthusiastically deny. Truly, deep down, she is a romantic and a bookworm with a venturesome spirit ready to take on the next obstacle in life. History Place of Birth: Oxford, England Current Residence: Oxford, England Blood Status: Pureblood Heritage: English ; Italian Language: English ; Italian Relationship Status: Married Daughter: Inara Ward [ 23 December 2088 ] SPOILER!!: Click
Born in Oxford, England in early July of 2057, Margaret became the first child of Gemma and Frank Maybury and eventual older sister of adopted younger brother Benedict Maybury. While her family wasn't the richest of folks when in came to galleons, they were rich in love and support. Despite being in a wizarding household, she was sent to muggle school until her eleventh birthday. She didn't have many troubles when it came to accidental displays of magic, though she did find it difficult to make a few decent girl friends. She rarely had troubles with any teasing or bullying either, as her love of sports gave her plenty of guy friends to protect her.
Sorted into Slytherin at Hogwarts, she didn't have a particularly difficult time during her school years. Her grades were on the spot and her social life was acceptable. Not wanting to be out-shined by her more lovable Gryffindor brother once he started Hogwarts, she started to receive her aggressive and competitive reputation. Unsure of what she wanted to do after Hogwarts, she enrolled in a University located in the roots of her ancestors; Italy. There, she acquired a job at the prestigious Girolamini Library as a page while she studied at the Naples University of Magic. Having first enrolled a couple basic courses dealing with defense and combat along with a few more serious courses on the side, she found her skill and fascination in neuromagic to be quite up to par.
During her final year of university, she applied into the Memory Restoration Assistant internship, though the constant analysis and paperwork in indoor settings had her feet and hands itching for the outdoors. It was only two years later that she applied for a transfer as a Junior Obliviator.
However, homesick and lonely, she applied for another transfer back to the UK in the British Ministry of Magic. Accepted into an Obliviator position, Margaret moved back with as much enthusiasm as she could muster, and is ready for the next great step in her life.
Last edited by Roselyn; 10-19-2016 at 04:09 AM.