perry pie Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch Quote:
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles Hands stuffed in his pockets, Legend allowed his gaze to wander on people as as they walked around the beautiful area that was set up for the meeting. He wasn't on duty or anything. At least not officially. Being part of the MLE always meant that he had to be aware, but no, he wasn't working. However the blond still stood by the lake, watching, and not entirely sure why he was here in the first place.
This whole day was about greeting old friends and meeting new ones. But he didn't really talk to anyone out of the MLE. And he wasn't exactly up for making new friends. Not today at least. The idea just didn't appeal to him, mostly sounded difficult. And almost pointless.
Eyes flickering back to the boats he sighed and stood up a bit straighter. Who would have thought that Legend Chosen would have been one for solitude? Back to work! Which meant more money to be made working for that hottie of a boss she had. Not that Alani hadn't enjoyed her vacation time, but she did miss things like a full fridge of food and not having so much family over. That apartment was only so big, honestly.
And what a better way to celebrate being back at work than a nice party? She couldn't think of one. The red head sauntered through the place, speaking greetings to those she knew and snatching up a plate of what looked to be mini cakes when she had the chance.
Now all she needed was some entertainment...
...... in the form of a tall blonde man.
"If I let you ride in my boat with me," She made her way to his side, finishing off a pastry thingy. "Are you gonna try and eat all my food?" He was known for such things.
__________________ ♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____  ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________ |