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Old 10-13-2014, 04:16 PM
the fastest seeker the fastest seeker is offline
Default Herbology Lesson 2

At eight o'clock in the morning, the door to the Second Greenhouse is wide open. You step inside to find that the tables are set differently. Instead of being separately scattered around they are aligned next to each other forming one long table right in the center of the greenhouse. Wooden chairs are also lined on both sides of the tables next to each other. The Professor's table is no where to be seen. But he is standing right at the further end of the tables with his hands on the table and a few feet behind him is a blackboard.

Aside from the different arrangements of the tables you will notice another important thing; there is absolutely nothing on the tables. Look closely around you and you will also see that every other pot is covered and no plant is in sight.

ooc: Lesson will not start for at least another 16 hours! Also, note that there certainly have been a number of lessons before this one.

Class has officially started. Do not post you character arriving late, act as if they've been here all the time
Please do NOT edit your answers

OOC: Make sure you read the rules ^.^

Class Progression:
Greetings and 1st Question
Second Question
First mini Activity
Second Mini Activity (you still can catch up with this, please title your post so if you do)
Final Activity
End of Class