Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... Quote:
Originally Posted by littledhampir Cassie heard the words of the woman come from somewhere near her. She glanced up from the table to see exactly where. The woman must have been talking to her, considering their distance. Even if she wasn't, she probably wouldn't mind if Cassie answered anyway. She was eager to meet some people, and hopefully get to know some people she might be working with. "They are lovely," Cassie agreed. Again, she couldn't help but notice how her accent was obviously American. It didn't really bother her, it was just a fact that she couldn't get out of her mind. Instead, she focused on what the woman was saying. "I'm sure they did; it looks like something right up their alley." Who else could be responsible for such an event? "I'm not sure yet. A woman over there mentioned a flower crown and that sounded absolutely lovely, but for the moment I'm just observing. What about you?" She was glad the woman didn't mind having some company as they did the flower arrangements. Noticing her accent she started to assume maybe she was new to the ministry, but maybe not. The ministry was bigger and Victoria even though she knew many, she didn't know everyone. "I'm Victoria Culloden by the way." Should introduce herself at least.
Glancing around again it really did scream DERP, so she was sure it was them that had planned it. "Well either way it is a lovely evening." Though she'd rather be home snuggled up next to her husband, but work was work. Even the fun parts like orientation. Glancing up she watched the other woman make a crown, "So she is." It was pretty, but she thought maybe her daughters would like that more than her. "I think I'm going to just make an arrangement for my table at home." Something small and simple.
Though the more she thought about it the more she was considering the crowns for her girls. "What department do you work in?" That could help her know if the lady was new or not.
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